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starting my first Whole30 on January 2!

Anna Joy

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Hi, my name is Anna and I'm officially starting my first Whole30 on January 2 I've struggled with my weight since I was young and have probably never had a psychologically healthy relationship with food. I'd like to lose around 50 pounds and after lots of consideration (and reading It Starts With Food) I have decided that doing a Whole30 is the best way for me to reset my relationship with food and set myself up for health and success! Very excited to be starting 2015 off right. 

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Hey there Im starting 2nd Jan as well. Signed up today for the whole30 emails :) Ive been paleo for about 6 months but have completely lost it in the last 4 weeks and am really feeling it. My paleo adventure began by reading it starts with food although I have not done a whole30. Figured it was time to start that. I know already that my body has some intolerances to dairy and bread, my reactions to them were quite obvious once I had been eating paleo for a while. I am aiming to reset my body and get back to feeling good again. I also want to pin point any other foods that my body really doesnt like. Whilst I would still like to lose weight its not a goal of mine. Im more concerned with forming healthy eating routines over the next 4 weeks.



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Morning ladies! I'm Nikki and I am also planning to start my first Whole30 on 2nd Jan. I have been paleo for some time now, although fell well and truly off the wagon over the past few months, with the result that i have gained weight, my skin is a mess and my energy levels are very low. So I'm really looking forward tomorrow to a purge of all the rubbish that I've been inflicting on my body recently. I'm a big fan of Jillian Michaels too so have the exercise DVDs cued up and ready to go tomorrow morning. After reading someone's testimonial that was posted on FB yesterday, I am super excited to get started. The cupboards and fridge have been cleared out, I've planned more or less every meal for the month and will finish just in time for my birthday, hopefully lighter and feeling younger than I do now! Good luck to you all and enjoy today's final indulgences!

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Hi everyone!

I am starting January 2nd as well. I completed my first whole30 in November and still feel like I have so much to learn. I have still been eating whole 30 two meals a day since I officially ended but dont have the same steady energy as while I was on it. I drank coffee the first time around with coconut milk but think im going to go cold turkey on it this time around...that scares me more than anything else :) Also I plan on staying away from nut butters and nuts if I can...too easy to overdue for me! Looking forward to this!

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