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Molly's First Whole30


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I've struggled with my weight most of my life. Since about fourth grade I didn't like the way that I looked or felt.  Growing up in a big family, my parents did their best to keep everyone fed. Unfortunately, this meant buying things in bulk that usually were moderately to highly processed foods.  


I always knew that fruits and veggies were good for you but I only learned a few years ago that processed food was bad for your health.  I then began to read the ingredients instead of just calories and fat grams, a habit I got from doing other diets, and tried to cut out as much processed food as I could. I no longer ate fast food, and when grocery shopping I steered clear of anything in a bag or box. I did lose weight and felt better about myself for sometime but then when I would go out to eat or visit my family it was hard for me to refuse the food they made and risk hurting their feelings, or even risk getting a lecture about how my diet was silly.  So slowly processed foods crept back into my diet, something I'm not proud of. I also very rarely eat fast food, maybe a few times a year when on road trips, or when I'm with friends but it's not typically something I want while I'm alone. 


I do have a tendency to go to sweets.  Chocolate chip cookie dough, yes raw, is my favorite and a go-to food when I'm feeling down or lonely. I have noticed that at the end of the night, even a really fun night, I come home feeling sad that the night is over and maybe still wanting to be with friends, I have an overwhelming craving for sweets and so most nights I do indulge in whatever is nearby.....possibly stopping at the grocery store or fro yo place on the way home. It's a really nasty habit and it's something I desperately want to stop.  I noticed that the past few months my cravings for sweets have become stronger and stronger. My boyfriend being the sweetheart that he is will sometimes have little surprises for me when I see him because he knows how much I love sweets. I have also started drinking cokes a lot because he has them handy at his house. 


So a few weeks ago I set out to find something to help me get off of my sugar high. I was/am sick of feeling the need to indulge in sweets.  I came across the whole30 which I heard of from a friend and decided to give it a try.  My main goals for the next 30 days is to get off my sugar high.  I hope to not feel such a strong tie to sweets.  I am also looking forward to sleeping better and just all around feeling better.  I do hope to lose some weight but mainly want to fit better in my clothes and tone up my muscles. I've already got a pretty good support system including my boyfriend, who has decided to stop drinking coke to help support me, a good friend who has done several paleo diets, and my family, although they are a bit skeptical. Regardless, I'm excited for what the next 30 days will do for my body. 

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