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2nd Whole30/Gotta crush it!!


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January 1st began my 2nd W30. Only made it through 21 days on my first W30. A weekend wedding destroyed me. January I have no engagements, no temptations that I can see to vear me off course. The 1st W30 I lost 9lbs. I weighed myself when I should not have. Since then, I binged after falling off the wagon. I am now heavier than I was before. Not happy with myself. Tired of being ruled by my emotional/stress cravings. Tired of not enjoying shopping, working out, hanging with friends because I feel I am overweight. I don't like looking in the mirror at myself and seeing all the rolls that should not be there. I feel unattractive not only to myself but also to my husband and that kills me.


My Goals: Full energy potential, better sleeping habits, better digestion, obviously to lose weight, libido boost (sorry if TMI), and finally eating the proper way. 


Weight: 166

Height: 5'4

Age: 33


Health problems: Hypothyroid issues, plantar fasciitis, lethargic, headaches, joint soreness & acid reflux.


Day 1 (1/1/15): Had a massive headache all day, which I am figuring is from the wine I had for new years eve. No matter how much water I drank and good veggies and fruit I have had to replinish, headache put me to bed super early.

Brkfst: Scrambled eggs, apple, black coffee (hotel did not have ANY other options for me)

Lnch: 2 oz pistachios, cup of baby carrots, 3 deli turkey (applegate) roll ups.

Dinner: Pork and beef ribs with dry rub, 1 1/2 cup green beans with ghee. Kamboocha w/seltzer.


Day 2: (1-2-15): Still have a headache today, but it is mild so far. It's nearly 11am and my stomach is growling for lunch.

Brkfst: 3 fried eggs, 1 oz smoked salmon, 1/2 cup blueberries. Black starbucks coffee with pumpkin & coconut cream (homemade)

Lunch: Leftover beef ribs with fingerling potatoes, green beans & a banana.

Dinner: Ground beef, sauteed shrimp in lime juice and Cumin. Kamboocha w/seltzer

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Day 3: Feeling slightly tired. Headache is more in the background than forefront. Got up super early, slept pretty well. Very alert and have a decent amount of energy. Started prepping and cooking food this morning. Mostly yams/potato hash as well as yams/apples/presceutto hash (for future breakfast).


BRKFSt: Potato & Yam hash 1 cup/ applegate bacon 3 slices/ 1 fried egg. 1/2 cup 100% orange juice with seltzer mix. 


LUNCH: Well Fed meatballs/ baby carrots 1 cup


Dinner: New york strip with 2 cups green beans


No exercise today. Feeling a bit groggy and a home body. So only cleaning up the house and prepping most the day. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Day 22!!


This is a day past my first whole 30 that I failed at. I am going strong as I am much more prepared this time.


Not posting what I eat every single day for every single meal has worked for me. I feel it set another load of stress on me, and just not doing it while keeping a mental log in my head has really helped!


I've learned to make quick and easy meals from scratch. Prep is getting much easier this time around. I will normally prep in the morning and get dinner started in the evening.


Today I am feeling the TIGER BLOOD! Slept awesome, work out was good and breakfast was delish! I have tons of energy so far at 10:30am.


My drawback to feeling much more alert and attentive, my ADD feels like it's in overdrive. I keep catching myself multi-tasking on almost everything!! Got to find a good way to channel all that focus!


Only one dream of eating cheasecake and even in my dream I was telling myself 'Dont you dare!'


Headaches aren't around (save for Sinus ones) but it is the season for them. Joints feel much better. I have NO pain in my feet anymore. Still working on the one knee from hurting when it bends a certain way. Energy is steady throughout the day. No real cravings save for my wine. Commercials are making me mad, always showing hot gooey pizza....my weakness. But Im usually good!


Planning on eating like this 90% of the time once I'm done with re-intro of other foods. I already know I want to stay away from wheat, rice & sugars.


Feeling Great!!

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