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Diarrhea :-/


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TMI Question...Diarrhea. I need some advice, thoughts, anything! I'm on day 18 of my Whole 30 and before I started it I had come off 2 months of fertility drugs TTC. I've had bouts of diarrhea in the past I guess but it has gotten to the ridiculous point of every other day to every day. Really any bowel movement is gross now. I know, TMI. I'm tired of it and don't know if I should see a doctor at this point. I take a probiotic and have been gluten free for a year and a half and dairy free obviously on the Whole 30. Sometimes it would get like this around ovulation so I wondered if it could be hormone related AND I haven't ovulated yet this month...I think the Whole 30 has thrown things off. So I don't know. Any thoughts? unsure emoticon Should I see a doc? I don't even know what tests they would run. 


Are there any Whole 30 foods specifically that would help ease this symptom? I've also had gas/bloating along with it. 

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High does of dietary magnesium can lead to diarrhea due to the osmotic effects of the unabsorbed magnesium salts in the intestines.  The magnesium cream would not be a direct cause of diarrhea.  However, with the likely increase in dietary magnesium + Natural Calm + magnesium cream your body may be adequately saturated with magnesium thereby not absorbing all of it from your intestines and leading to diarrhea.  You may want to choose one of those supplements to back off.


If you want to post a few days worth of food intake, we might see something else that could be a trigger.

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Do you take digestive enzymes like Ox Bile? That can lead to diarrhea for some people. It has to do with your body not being able to absorb the bile back into your body in the last stage of your intestine. Therefore you get diarrhea. I think you pinpointed the problem with Natural Calm. Most people use Natural Calm to help with constipation. Good Luck! 

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