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Calling all who want to commit ~2/22!


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Hi All,


I'm planning on embarking on the Whole30 challenge on 2/22 after I go on vacation. I'd love to start a closed facebook support group for people starting around the same time. We can share the highs, the lows, successes, temptations, recipes. Please leave a reply here if you're interested! 




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I've set 2/23 as my start date.  I need time to plan and read the book.  This is going to be a completely new way of eating for me, but I'm committed to becoming more healthy, lowering my triglyceride level, and feeling better.  I also hope to loose some weight in the mix!  I'm a breast cancer survivor and want to lower my risk of a recurrence.  I'm sure I will need some support to make this change.  I don't want it to be a short lived "quick fix diet" like I've tried in the past.

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I'm doing another 30 starting 2/23.


I did a successful one starting 1/5, but went on vacation on day 32, and fell apart. The contrast between how good I felt on-plan and how lousy I feel off of it is striking. To think that this - this lethargic and sludgy feeling was my "normal" is staggering.


2/23 for me because I'm going out of town this weekend. But I cooked all last weekend and have a freezer stocked with good stuff.

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