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Hi Everyone! 


I am planning to start my 1st Whole 30 tomorrow (woo-hoo!). I am nervous, excited, and a little scared...lol! This looks like an AMAZING program. Reading the testimonials and lurking (yes, lurking...lol) on the forums a bit has really been helpful.


I'm wondering if there is anyone who is planning (or would like) to start their Whole 30 tomorrow (2/15/15) with me? I think that it would be super helpful and aweome to have an accountability buddy. Who's in?


Also, any words of wisdom would be awesome!! Thanks :-)



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Oh my gosh - thank you Michelle and clacourse!! I totally wasn't expecting to hear from folks this soon. How awesome!


I would love to be accountability buddies with the both of you! Clacourse, I don't mind the 1 day difference at all, and Michelle being accountability buddies and hearing about your experience thus far would be awesome!


Thanks ladies!




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Hi Clacourse!


The 1st day went well! I did have a moment of serious temptation after my 1st meal, but made it through. I'm already learning about what my body needs (awesome!). I added much more fat to my 2nd & 3rd meals yesterday (and made them larger in general, also including starchy veggies)....and, the junk food/binge thoughts disappeared!! How awesome is that! So, here I am on day #2, and I plan to do the very same thng - increase the overall size of my meal, and add more fat than I may think I need. 


How's day#1 going for you so far?





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Hi Cbrignone5 awesome that you're starting March 1st! I think that preparing your body is a great idea :-) I'm guessing that it will make the transition much, much easier.


I didn't do that (binged right up until my day #1) and have been anticipating some killer withdrawal symptoms which haven't happened as of yet. Keeping my fingers crossed that the major increase in fat, meal size, and starchy veggies that I'm doing will keep detox symptoms at bay...lol.



- Maureen

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That's awesome! Good job listening to your body and adding what it needs! I'm glad you didn't give in to temptation. :)


My day #1 is going well, so far. Some temptation at work (a bakery) with bacon. It smelled soooo good! But the food has been delicious and plentiful! Love it! I do think I'm starting to get a headache... hubby and I are major coffee drinkers. But other than that, pretty good!


All the best!


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Hi Chelsea,


Congrats on getting through day #1!! that's awesome! Good for you for resisting temptation too (in a bakery no less - wow!). I'm not sure about this but I read (can't remember where now) that along with an increase in water, increasing salt intake should help with the headaches. Hope that helps :-) How is day #2 going so far?


So far today has been going well for me (yaaay!). I continue to be surprised that I actually feel satisfied with just 3 meals a day! I've been off from work the last couple of days (which has truly helped!), but am nervous to be going back to work to tomorrow and navigating the Whole 30. I'm committed though! This evening I'm going to go to the store to get food for tomorrow (with major grocery shopping happening after work tomorrow night).



Enjoy the rest of the day,


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How are you doing, Maureen?


John and I just finished day 11. To be honest, I've almost quit a few times. I think it's the monotony of what I'm eating. I don't mind cooking frequently, and I'm discovering different ways to eat things I am not a huge fan of... avocado, for one... with some cucumber, tomato, a drizzle of olive oil and a squeeze of lime juice, I can get it down. ;) I feel like I'm eating sooooo mannyyyyy eeegggggssss!!!!! One night, after coming home from teaching, I sat in my car and looked up recipes with steak. I just had to have some. Came across a beef and broccoli recipe that is bangin' good. Went to the grocery store, came home, made dinner, and felt awesome. I know Whole30 isn't HARD.... but sometimes it's frustrating for me. LOL!

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