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First time around! Feb.26.15 - Mar.28.15


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I'm pumped to get going tomorrow morning and I'm looking forward to saying goodbye to sugar and grains (yet again!) I've cut both out several times in my life and felt amazing, but somehow I always slip, slowly but surely. I don't eat a lot of either on a daily basis, but I have a HUGE weakness for all things chocolate and once that craving rears its ugly head, all self control is out the window. In the past, I've made healthy substitutes for all the things I craved (similar to the Paleo coffee creamer and pancakes examples) but I've never just gone cold turkey and avoided all those things. I'm very interested to see how this plays out when I'm coming face to face with my chocolate-coated sugar demon, a few days into this adventure...


For now, I'm going to meal plan and prepare myself mentally for tomorrow.





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Day 1 done! I couldn't believe it, but I actually wanted sugar in my coffee SO bad at 7am... just goes to show how addicted I actually am. I thought I'd last a few days at least before hitting that point, but I was actually trying to bargain with myself about why I should have stevia after all. Ugh. (I didn't.)


Breakfast: Omelet with peppers and onions. Asparagus and green onions. Lettuce. Black coffee.

Lunch: salad with egg, toasted almonds and olives. Oil and vinegar dressing. Strawberries.

Snack: 6 dates

Dinner: lobster salad with homemade mayo and veggies in boston lettuce wraps. More strawberries. Tea. 


I wanted to snack after dinner so badly! I wanted "dessert", of course. But I told myself that I got through day 1, no looking back. I can have dessert at the end of March. :)

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Yesterday, Day 2, was a lot harder. I was running on 3 hours of sleep due to a sick baby, and I just wanted to eat all the things. It wasn't perfect, but whatever.



Breakfast: omelet with peppers, onions and asparagus. Strawberries and a tangerine.  

Lunch: Sweet potato. and a handful of cashews.

Dinner: Fish, veggies, fruit, almond butter.

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Agreed! Sleep deprivation sucks!! Makes it simultaneously harder and easier to stick to healthy food choices... 



Breakfast: Eggs, smoked salmon, an apple, cashews, tomato. 

Lunch: some more smoked salmon, chicken soup.

Dinner: Chicken soup. Not much of an appetite otherwise.


DAY 4:

Breakfast: Eggs, smoked salmon, banana

Lunch: Chicken soup 

Dinner: chicken salad on boston lettuce with avocado and grapes, a few sweet potato fries.



I'm actually really proud of myself for sticking with this despite being sick and serving as a human pillow for my son. Can't wait to get over this nasty cold!

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DAY 5:

Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with smoked salmon. Strawberries and a peach. (I think I'll be eating salmon for days, it was a huge package)

Lunch: I didn't really eat lunch today. Sick, stuffy, can't taste anything, not hungry. Ate some pineapple and drank some broth. 

Dinner: Chicken soup, pulled pork and oven-baked sweet potato chips.

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