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I've got this!


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Life has been crazy the past year. I lost my mom to lung cancer last August, my 11 daughter was diagnosed with a cavernoma angioma that is inoperable in Dec and I ended a 6 year relationship in January. I am also getting ready to graduate with my bachelors degree and start grad school this summer. With everything that has happened I have gained a whopping 22lbs! I feel horrible and stress eat all the time... I've decided it is time to take care of ME. 


My biggest worry is meal prep and planning as a single mom who goes to school full time and runs two businesses I eat on the go a lot or I am tired when I get home and order take out.. so any help in that area would be greatly appreciated! 


I am giving myself another week before I get started. I don't want to start and realize I am not prepared.



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