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Need Help for dinner tonight


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I am traveling and will be eating out tonight. Please help me figure out how to order the following item to make it whole 30 compliant

Petite Filet Mignon: Tenderloin of beef grilled over natural hardwood. Served with a combination of sauces; creamy Gorgonzola, port wine and toasted walnut demi glace…$21

I will obviously ask for no sauce....what else do I need to ask?

Are there any questions needed for this item:

Oysters on the half shell

Finally, I am running low on food that I brought with me and storing in the hotel refrigerator. How do you get carbohydrates into your meals without baking a sweet potato?

Thank you!

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On the filet mignon, have the only seasonings be salt and pepper, request that they dry grill it, and no butter or any other cooking oils on it.

If the oysters on the half shell are raw, you're good.  Watch out for cocktail sauce, which can contain gluten.

All vegetables have carbs: some have more or less of them.  You could have a regular potato, winter squash, beets, or carrots (higher carbs), or greens, broccoli, string beans, or salad for other vegetable sources. 

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Thank you! I have a lot of carrots so I will eat those. This is the hardest thing I have ever done (with respect to food). However, if I were doing my usual diet I would have fallen off the wagon by now so I ocnsider this a victory. Tomorrow is going to be even hard because I have low whole 30 compliant food supply and I will be traveling. And I have to pick up my 4 kids at various grand parents homes. My greatest fear is dealing with a meal at my parents or in laws house. Looking forward to being back in my kitchen!

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