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Starting tomorrow March 9th- 2nd time around


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How is everyone doing? I've been doing well. Made it through all of the celebrations without a problem, so that feels great. I'm wondering about weight loss though. I thought I was losing weight/inflammation at first but now on Day 10 I'm not so sure. I eat fairly clean normally (except for milk and sugar in coffee and nibbles on my kids' stuff). Do I need to make a bigger effort to lose weight on this? And I know this is not the only purpose of the program. I just wondered if I need to be careful about how much I'm eating...Thanks and I hope everyone is doing great!

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Hi all! I started my first whole30 on March 9 as well. Day 11 and I'm doing ok. Waiting for the energy boost to happen :-) Feeling pretty tired but enjoying the meals and never hungry so that's great. Kicking a diet coke habit at the same time. I'm sleeping well but most mornings I feel a little off and my digestive system is def haywire...I won't go into details :-) Anyone else having issues in that area??

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Hi there. Welcome! I hear you, as I've been on diet soda for my whole life. I had slowly pulled back to one a week when I was good but that was going back to a few a week before I started that. I'm still drinking coffee (black now), mostly decaf, and a lot of iced green tea. I mix it with seltzer to have a fizz, which is what I liked about diet soda. It works for me! I have had more energy, as I don't get a crash in the afternoon after all of my coffees with milk and sugar, so hopefully that will happen for you soon. My digestive system is a little off. We're all different right? Good luck. Vicki

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