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Starting 03/11/2015 until 04/10/2015


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Hi everyone!

  I'm starting Whole 30 this Wednesday and I wanted to introduce myself.  I am currently researching food plans and figuring out how I'll be precooking meals so that I can stay on track.  I'm a teacher with a crazy hectic schedule so I have to be sure that breakfast and lunch are super easy.


The biggest challenge during my 30 days will be the last 4 days.  I have a vacation to Vegas planned from 04/06 to 04/09, so I'll be eating out every day and, of course, Vegas is alcohol central.  I'll have plenty of time to come up with a plan for that, but if anyone has any suggestions for vacation eating, let me know!

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Does this mean you will be doing whole30 during easter?

Boil your eggs at the start of the week and use eat them through the week.

Make double batches or food. Slow cook or pressure cook.

Drink lots of tea rooibos tea in Vegas in a beer glass if you want

Find all your paleo friendly cafes

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