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One week til day 1


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Hi there. My husband and I are preparing ourselves and our pantry to start in one week. A little about us.

We're both in our 50's. We are both triatletes and I have a black belt in taekwondo. I lost 60 lbs 2010-2011 and he lost 60 lbs in 2010 when we both started triathlon training. I put back on 15 lbs in 2014 due to having surgery at the end of 2013 and having to do no physical activity for 4 months and then was able to slowly work back into a training routine. This year I'm ready to do some races. My husband had knee replacement surgery in Dec and is just starting to do some "real" exercise. We both have fallen back into our old eating habits. We are in the process of getting rid of all the non compliant foods and making menus to start Whole30 next week. No bread and dairy is going to be huge for us and obviously sweets. Hopefully together we can stay strong. We have never done anything as strict as this. Looking forward to the challenge and the results.

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