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Kelly M - Whole30 Log


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Congrats on crushing another day. Your food pics +  posts are great :) But *try, Try, TRY*, to stay off the scale - like WOD try. Honest. It's important. Put it somewhere difficult or near impossible to reach or access. Not weighing yourself during your reset really does force you to focus on the internal + qualitative benefits of the whole 30 reset. I know...it smacks right against our conventional mindset of "I need quantitative data + feedback. Lots of it." Numbers are a valuable tool - but don't let them be a crutch (via the scale). That's why Melissa and Dallas are so explicit about no scales.


Let me put it another way. Would you rather do a properly executed, controlled, full range of motion 175 lb barbell squat OR an ugly, badly executed 200 lb. barbell squat? Numbers can validate but also invalidate so much. Ditching the scale for 30 days forces us to focus on the right things - all the subtle and significant changes that are happening inside, before they manifest on the outside.


I look forward to reading more of your posts. I totally entered a wormhole after reading your recent post and spent 25 minutes reading older blog posts. :)

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Yay, you knocked down another day! Congrats. I totally hear you about the importance of certain rituals and how entrenched they are in our lives - particularly with food (and celebrations). I have the same deep relationship with my morning coffee. Sorry that your photos didn't pan out and I really mean that. I would have loved to see the taco! And I still do. Also, double yay for the deep sleep - you'll start to get used to that on your whole 30. :)


I have absolute confidence that you can totally crush your whole 30. After spending time falling through the rabbit hole of your blog, it's clear that you have some fierce inner fortitude. Obstacle after obstacle, month after month, you could have given up or gotten discouraged. Instead, you didn't see all that you were not, you interpreted it as feedback about all you could be. Which all sounds good until you meet AMRAP. Ugh lol.


You've done so well with your accidental CF journey, I just didn't want the scale to distract or misguide you in any ways. It's a powerful and addictive tool. I feel the same way about it (and my HR monitor...and my Garmin). I had to basically twist the face of my watch to the underside of my wrist so I would stop "forcing" a pace, instead of just running what my body felt it had the energy to do. I don't think I'm a competitive person but I am always competing against myself. So now I look at and use any numbers after I finish working out. It gives me a better picture of my overall energy/run/health, instead of nudging/pushing me into a forced pace. Kind of forces me to see the bigger picture.

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Day 5...food is proving interesting today. no time to myself to prepare decent fare. Unfortunately hit the sleepy "need a nap" feeling today and the "kill all the things" feeling all at once. Plus it's cold and rainy and depressing outside, but...it IS the first day of spring so there is hope!


Tomorrow I will compete in the CrossFit open at our box, scaled division. Sleep had better serve me well tonight. No time for blogging today, so I'll post tomorrow.

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Whoa....almost two weeks in and I have logged nothing this week, but have stayed on plan 99%--I think I got some canola or soybean oil in a salad yesterday, and it also had a little feta, but it was a crazy day. I had to grab some food at a restaurant and it was the best thing I could get without messing things up. No adverse affects.


Have not blogged this week--no time. Will try to catch up a bit this week.


OTOH, one of the weird positives I'm finding from this... My SINGING VOICE is clear and strong and better than it has ben in ages. I always feel slightly congested and so I have to struggle a bit to clear my voice when I sing. Not right now. It's so clear and loud that it surprises me! 

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Day 18. I'm just a little bored of this now. Can I please be done? Not looking forward to watching everyone feast and drink wine on Easter while I "behave." Going to make the best of it--I know there will be plenty of W30 compliant things for me to eat.

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Day 23. The end is in sight, except I don't think it will be the end. Both the spousal unit and I agree that we need to continue eating this way and let treats be treats, drinks be only for special occasions and sugar be banned (except for honey--there's got to be honey in my life.)


I haven't been logging my meals. I do this every. single. time. I simply get in a groove and stop writing things down, but the only cheats I have had was on Easter Sunday. I had about two TBS. of yogurt, a taste of goat cheese and a glass of wine. It was Easter. My resolve faded as the meal progressed, but oh, the food--the good thing is that we always have very clean Easter feasts, so no ill effects! Even the yogurt was made from our own raw milk. I could feel bad about it, but I don't.

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day 24

SIX MORE DAYS!!! the problem is that I am in the throes of spring cleaning and not cooking, so I am preparing the same stuff over and over. It's tasty, but I'm tired of it. I really, really want to go out to dinner. really. 

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three days to go. the end is in sight. 


I'm going to stay on board with this. 


This is my third paleo 30-day challenge. It has been easier each time. This by far has been the best method I've used, and I will stay with it and maintain this M.O., because the way I feel is so completely worth it, and I know that I've lost weight, though I don't know how much.


totally worth it!

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Two. days. to go!!!!! I am really looking forward to Wednesday, but not because I plan on eating anything awful, but because the constraints come off. I do plan to make myself "paleo" chocolate chip cookies--that will be my reward. I miss honey. 


Honestly, though, there isn't a lot I have missed. I have regained an appreciation for salad and have been chowing down on them and actually enjoying them. It is not easy for me to love salad, but when I eat clean and stick to it, I appreciate every flavor and food experience more.


I even have a meal plan for the week to keep me on track, so that I don't go careening off of the Whole30 plan. Thanks Whole30--I feel AWESOME.

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Today is Day 30! We did it.


I know this is not easy for most folks. I know that these challenges where you completely uproot your life and eat well for thirty days causes a wide range of emotions and physical outcomes. 


That said, I really think Whole30 is the best of the programs out there. This is my 3rd paleo challenge, and it has been easier every time, and this time was a breeze. I've really enjoyed this program, and think I'll stick around for a while.

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