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Starting Whole30 on March 30th


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Hey everyone! I discovered Whole30 today while browsing on Pinterest. I never really had an issue with my weight until about 2 years ago. I don't know what happened. I weighed 140 lbs and was as happy as a clam, then I guess I just got too comfortable until about a week ago, when I weighed myself. I've gained 70 pounds, which doesn't make me a happy camper. I don't fit in any of my clothes and I can't stand to look at myself in the mirror. My husband has been trying to help and telling me I don't look fat, but I just feel like he's saying it to make me feel better. 


Tomorrow, I'll be purchasing the book "It Starts With Food" and reading it from start to finish. Then I'll be cleaning out my pantry and refrigerator. I'm really nervous about it all because even though I'm motivated right now, sometimes my motivation ends up burning out, and I'm right back at square one, ya know? I'm determined to get back the body I once had and love myself again. It's hard to not like who you are. 


I look forward to getting to know each of you and encouraging you on your journeys as we lose weight together!



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Hello there and welcome to the Whole 30!! I am currently doing the program and on day 23. I will be finishing my first 30 day cycle on March 30. For the first time in my life I am feeling in control about the food I am eating, and I am now starting to feel fantastic. I plan on continuing for another 30 days. I would love to join you. However, I will be a day behind you. My day 1 will be on the 31st.

I totally understand not liking the mirror! I am with you on that. I am also reading the book. That will help you in many ways! This is such a healthier way of eating, and I plan on incorporating the Whole 9 principles as a healthy way to live my life! I am looking forward to the next cycle. Thank you for starting this!!

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