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Starting the Whole 30 in April and hoping to have others join me and share motivation!! I have a FB page to share my journey. Look for Shazas' Place :)


I'm a Grandmother and love my little ones but couldn't play with them. Something had to change! Now I'm lighter and really ready to start going places ...


Looking forward to meeting others and sharing motivation :D



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I'm starting April 1st as well. I've been bouncing around trying various diets. It's seriously time to just simplify for a bit. Luckily I can eat the same thing nearly every day without getting bored. I'm going to be missing my vacuum sealer I left in AZ though. 


Soda or caffeine will be my biggest challenge. 

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Hey, guys! 18yo argentinian girl here! Starting on April 1st as well, and I am hoping I can get the book through amazon soon enough (we don't have much more than Atkins diet books here  :( ). My main goal is to destroy my sugar addiction that has been haunting me throughout my teenage years. I am hoping to live the best out of my 20s in a healthy way!

 I wish you all the best and I hope we can motivate each other in this journey!

Have an AWESOME April!!!

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Hi there,


I'm officially starting again on April 1 - plan to go more than 30 days... not sure if it will b 60 or 100.  I've completed 2 Whole 30s in the past but started many more... I've learned that being a veteran does not guarantee success!


I also have learned that this forum and the Daily Emails help a lot to keep you going.  After the first week I found less trouble with cravings, but a WHOLE bunch a trouble staying organized and prepared.  The hardest thing (for me) is that finding compliant convenience food is nearly impossible.  So be prepared for waking up late, forgetting your lunch, managing social events etc.  Second hardest thing is being interested in breakfast, but that gets better over time.


More soon!



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