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Good Morning/Afternoon/Night (wherever in the world you are) all, I hope you are all well!


I'm starting my whole30 today! Getting back on the health train! My last attempt at a Whole30 (except it was 120) was some time ago - over a year in fact. I didn't do very well.  -_-  and since then I have only been putting weight on. In 2013, I was very successful with the whole30 protocol and lost some 84 Ilbs - that's right 84! Not in thirty days of course. I did the protocol for 7 months - with 3 weeks off in March. In any case because of my unhealthy relationship with food I fell back in to the trap of sugar and comfort eating and all other manner of poor choices. 

20 months on from doing so well in 2013 I have put all that weight back on. I couldn't tell you why, because when I had lost it all I felt so great and promised myself I would never get back to where I am now. I had plenty of people telling me that I was an inspiration to them. Many of which went on to read "It starts with food" and make life changes for themselves.


So here I am again. A new quarter and a the start of something new. I am taking this opportunity to have a total re-set so as to ammend my food choices. I want to feel how I felt in the second half of 2013. I know it will be a journey and I am going to take it one step at a time.


Who else is starting today? Are you brand new to this? Or are you doing it again?



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Hello Christian, I am starting today too, I haven't done this before but have done an elimination diet that was similar and yes, felt great and have lost the plot again!!

I am amazed at your 84lb loss last time, let's hope we can permanently make better food choices.

As you have done this before any tips will be greatly appreciated!

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I'm with you.  I did this before for 73 days a little over a year ago.  I lost some weight, but have since regained it all.  I know exactly what my downfall is....Beer and chocolate!  Everything else is good, but I LOVE a couple of ice cold beers in the afternoon and some chocolate afterwards.  Hoping today will be the day I can give that up. 


At 61 years of age it's easy to say, "What the heck?  I'm 61 years old.  I deserve a treat"!  HAHAHAHA!!!  That is always my excuse.


Good Luck!!

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Hi Christian - I'm a newbie today!  Looking forward to resetting myself!  This is my first time doing the Whole30.  My sister and her husband are also starting today.  They live 1 hour away, so we'll support each other via telephone.  I'm hoping to make some connections on the forum so I have, and can provide, support at a click!   :)


Let's get this started!! :D

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