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Two victory anecdotes from Easter weekend -


I stayed 99% on plan at my mother-in-law's yesterday! The ham and sausage were your typical grocery store offering so I'm sure there were some undesirable additives, but I kept my protein portion to the small side and loaded my plate with veggies. I passed over the dinner rolls, the regular butter, the dill dip, the wine, and THE APPLE CRISP (my absolute very favorite dessert), so I'm calling it a win. 


Some thoughtful person left an Easter candy on my chair when I got into work this morning. I didn't even consider eating it - just deposited it in the communal candy bowl on my coworker's desk.

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Couple more from today:

  • Someone brought in a couple trays of those grocery store mini-cupcakes - the ones with the grainy sugar frosting that's as tall as the cupcake itself? I have to walk by them every time I refill my water, and every time I reflexively go "ugh, those look terrible!" I used to be the "never pass up free food" type, and after only a week, I don't have the slightest desire for one. Crazy. (I'm much more tempted by the homemade banana bread someone put out in the kitchen, but I just don't make eye contact and I'm okay.)
  • There's a full-length mirror in the restroom at work. Today, I did a double-take as I walked by. I've lost so much bloat (that I didn't even realize WAS bloat) that I look like I've lost 10 pounds. I am not going anywhere near my scale until the end of April, of course, but cool.
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