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Starting April 23rd


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I am 25 years old and am suffering from Tendonitis.  I feel like I am too young to be suffering from this and want to know what foods (if any) are not helping.  While I know it will be tough, I know it might just be worth it.  Any one want to be my support system through this?

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Ha, I was actually surfing this section looking for someone who would be starting tomorrow! I've done a few Whole30's and my joint inflammation was definitely helped by eliminating some foods, so there is a great chance you'll get that figured out. My goal is to drop some weight, help along healing of a broken wrist, and just feel amazing...because that is the best part of the Whole30 for me.  :) Let's rock this!

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How was everyone's second day?  Today wasn't too hard, but I'm definitely feeling the lack of sugar in my diet.  I was almost too tired to workout, feeling bloated, AND for some reason I've been really thirsty.  Anyone know what's up with that?

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Day 4 here. Sugar cravings are pretty bad today, I'm barely surviving them!! Grilling some burgers and having green beans and white potato as a side. Simple meal.


v_bas90 Is this the first time dropping your carbs down? Usually you lose a lot of water at the beginning, so its good to drink extra! The tired stuff will pass soon. Yeah, the first week can be rough on energy and mood, but it chills out soon. 

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