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Starting Whole30 April 23


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Hey all!

Am starting on Whole 30 tomorrow to see if I can get some things sorted out. I've had problems with shortness of breath, tummy issues, low energy, sinus congestion, sleeping, and more for a long time. Would like to see how much of a role food really plays in it all. Would love support and will freely give it out too :)  Good luck everyone!!

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Hi! I'm on day 4 of my 3rd official W30, though I tend to stick to the principles most of the time in between. Except for the last two months, hence my triumphant return. :) Last Spring I did a Whole55 and did my first in January 2012. It's both extremely easy and extremely difficult, and your perception of which it is at any given time can shift every 10 minutes. :) It is, however, extremely empowering and enlightening. :) I bet you'll get a lot of your goals sorted out in the next 30 days. :) 

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Good luck!! I'm starting tomorrow (4/24) as well. I've tried it before but only got to about 2 weeks max, but want to go for 30-60 days if i can!! Need to fix some health issues as well as compulsive behavior around some of these trigger foods.  I know this will help as I always feel amazing when I'm on the plan, despite falling off of it often.  I may be checking in often on the site for support!!

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I also started my Whole30 on April 23rd for the first time. I have had an issue with indigestion problems, seasonal allergies and the mid-afternoon slump. Am completely committed to finishing the entire Whole30 with no cheats! I know I have some triggers that are going to be difficult. Good luck to you! And to me!

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