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May 1 start. My husband and I


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I want it to be out there - the more people that know, the better I am with staying on track! May 1 we will begin the whole 30. I am so nervous. Both my husband and I lost over 50 pounds last year....and then gained it back by going back to our bad eating habits! Time to get back on track and I figure no better way than to start off using this program!

Wish us luck, we will need it!

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I did my first Whole 30 in February/March and went downhill over Easter so am doing another Whole 30 starting on the 1st, I want to get rid of some of the 'bad' foods from the house and start preparing for Friday

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I am officially starting May 1st as well. I am the only one in my household going for it, although I think bf might tag along after I made the chocolate chili from theclothesmakethegirl.com last night.  He LOVED that chili.  I also have  eighteen year old and eleven year old daughters at home who seem to have no interest in joining me, but I still have hope that some of the good food I am making will tempt them into eating healthier.  Good luck to everyone here!

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