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SkiBlue's Whole30 Log


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Today marks the start date for my second Whole30. I completed my 1st Whole30 recently in January and make the mistake of not trying it for longer to help with bad habits and skipping the entire reintroduction protocol. So it ended like every other time I tried to make a permanent change.


I'm here this time around because I'd really like to make a conscious effort to change my food habits along the way this time, like it's really meant to be done. I'm also here because I tried to restart after January and have been struggling to stick to it the 2nd time around. I was hoping to keep myself accountable here, really analyze what's going on with me and my thoughts throughout this one, and hopefully get some tips and encouragement along the way


In January, the Whole30 worked wonders for me. What happened wasn't the Whole30's fault, but mine. Instead of really evaluating my food habits and coming up with different solutions to old habits, I just focused on following the rules. When the Whole30 ended, I knew that I hadn't made enough progress with my relationship with food. During the Whole30, I would munch on raisins and snack on fruit when I felt like I needed sugar or a treat, instead of snacking on something else, or changing the habit entirely. Instead of giving myself more time on the Whole30, I stopped and didn't follow the reintroduction protocol, letting my cravings come right back after I finally felt like I had control over them. 


That will be my focus for this second time around, which is why I believe it'll be harder than the first one. 

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Day 1 Recap: Sunday might have been the toughest start day. Sundays at work are usually too short to allow for proper lunch breaks to be had, so I made sure to have a big brunch of eggs and hash beforehand, but that did not stop the hangover. I usually get my hangover halfway through the first day. There was a good deal to do at work though, so I kept occupied throughout most of the day. It only got bad about an hour before my shift ended. I was very hungry when I came home, so my husband was kind enough to cook dinner for us (the protein portion, anyway). He made swordfish steaks with cajun seasoning (his got a little brown sugar sprinkled on and caramelized). I munched on some nuts while I made sweet potatoes and broccoli. 


I think I might have to seriously cut back on my social media use during these 30 days. A friend of mine posted some ridiculous food photos, which made my cravings roar loudly. I was at work, so distracting myself was relatively easy, but it was still an internal struggle to not focus on the craving and retain it for longer. 


Sleep has eased the hangover away for now, but sometime this afternoon, I expect it to be back until I sleep again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I will not lie, even on the Internet.


I made some off-plan choices this past weekend. It's spiraled my emotional state downward; not with guilt or anything, but with the craving fights. Being so susceptible to cravings, dwelling on that tug-of-war, causes my emotional stability to be completely UNstable. So, I'm recommitting myself to this Whole30, but I might not update as often as most people. I tend to do much better with things like this when I'm left to my own devices, believe it or not, but I will update weekly at the very least.

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