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Baby eating less??

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Hi All! This is my first Whole30 since giving birth to my daughter who is now 6 months old. I pump while at work and she takes bottles during the day at daycare. One thing I have noticed is that my milk looks extra creamy (and green thanks to all the spinach :) )  and has a thicker layer of cream on top than it previously did.


My question though... she used to take about 5oz per bottle and is now eating between 3.5 - 4.5. Does that seem right if my milk really is creamier than before? Just wondering if anyone else has noticed anything similar. My pumping output has also gone down a bit so I've been having to dip into my freezer stash, but I'm attributing that to not enough water over the last couple of days.


Thanks for the help and feedback!!

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If she's getting more fat from the milk then that means she can get more calories in a smaller volume of food. Is she exclusively on breastmilk or has she started solids? If she's taking some solids then that can also displace some of the breastmilk.


Are the number of wet and dirty diapers she has each day still about the same? Is her activity level the same? If the answer to both of those is yes and she's continuing to gain weight at check-ups then she's getting enough to eat. Keep in mind too that the composition of your breastmilk changes as your baby ages and that you'll see differences in your pumping from day to day, especially with pumping foremilk vs. hindmilk (info from La Leche League).

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Munkers... she did start solids, but just a couple tablespoons to start trying different foods. She's definitely not getting an amount of volume that would contribute to her eating less, I wouldn't think.


Everything is same regarding wet and dirty diapers... I guess I'll just chalk it up to some better breast milk! Thanks for the answers :)

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