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Starting May 5th... hope I'm prepared enough!


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I've been wanting to do an exclusion meal plan for years to try to stop my eczema and asthma (amongst other things...). Finally discovered some clever people have created one! Little bit anxious, but excited too... roll on tomorrow!

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I'm starting my second whole 30 tomorrow, too. I'm addicted to sugar and it has completely gotten out of control, so kicking the addiction is my motivation!

I felt better than ever when I was doing my first whole 30 a couple of months ago, and I'm beating myself up now for not sticking with it. I started noticing a difference in my energy levels, mood, athleticism, and even hair, skin, and nails within the first 10 days. Look forward to hearing how you're doing by that point!

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Hi jifjaff and shayrahd :)

I started my first whole30 yesterday :) trying to kick some unhealthy habits, mostly involving eating too much sugar and carbs.


Am keen to hear how you ladies go this time with your whole30 :) good luck Jifjaff! If you haven't read it yet - there's a 'timeline' you can read by whole30 on sort of what to expect challenge-wise for the next 30 days. I found this helpful to understand what my body is going through (already, and it's only day 2!)

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Hi jifjaff, shayrahd, and sarah_a!

I'm June and I'm starting my 2nd Whole 30 tomorrow. I need to get the wheat, dairy and sugar out of my life. My eczema was gone by the third week during my first Whole 30. I bought the Whole 30 book, and it has some great ideas, recipes, and tips to pull from. 

Good luck tomorrow! This is going to be so good for us!  :)

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Hi all! Thanks for replying... Well day 1 went ok, only 29 more to go :-)

To be honest, the food was fabulous - I did the day 1 meal plan from the Whole30 book... but the treats and snacks will be the toughie for me.

On to tomorrow.. Good luck!

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Hi Everyone! Day 1 went well for me too. I'm a 2nd grade teacher and this week is Teacher Appreciation Week. My school has something scheduled for us to eat every day this week! Today it was Panera Bread bagels. My favorite is the whole grain bagel  :rolleyes:. I did not have one! YAY for me! It'd be WAY too easy to say I'll start next week, and enjoy this week. But........I know how much better I feel when I'm eating clean. Tomorrow they're giving us a Honey Baked sandwich, chips and dessert. I'm taking my salad greens and my dressing, a cut up boiled egg and I'll use the turkey from the sandwich to add to my protein. It'll work. I like being in charge of my health, instead of going with the crowd. Good luck everyone! Actually, it's not luck---plan and DO IT!

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Well, I think I've shot straight to days 4 & 5.. I definitely want to 'kill all the things'! I was eating mostly Whole30 for the day or so before starting so maybe that's why I seem to have jumped the 'hangover' stage of days 2 & 3...

I'm realising how much my sweet treats prop my emotions up throughout the day... Not good.

Well, still determined to beat the cravings and stop my eczema so back to the kitchen for prep time

Hope everyone else is feeling positive!


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