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Starting over on the evening of day 30.


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Okay its day three after breaking my first whole 30 on day 30.  Yes I did cheat on day 30 but I got good feedback from my body so the next meal, I got right back on track.  And the next day, I started over.


Day 30

M1- Pork sausage and sweet potato fritata.

M2- Oops! French fries and chicken fingers with heinz mayo and honey mustard sauce.

M3 - Eggs and spaghetti squash.


Day 1


M1- pork sausage and sweet potato fritata.

M 2 - Salad with lettuce tomato, cukes, hard boiled egg, chicken thigh, and bacon.

M3-Scrimp and scallop curry with onions, red and yellow peppers, zucchini, spinach, and pineapple


Day 2


M1- Speghetti squash and two fried eggs.

M2- Chicken salad with grades and celery over sald of lettuce spinach cucumbers and tomatoes.

M-3 Roast duck with roasted brussel sprouts and sweet potato, cauliflower mash, and sauteed string beans and mushrooms.


Day 3


M1- Roast duck with roasted brussel sprouts and sweet potato and cauliflower mash.

M2- Chicken salad with grades and celery over sald of lettuce spinach cucumbers and tomatoes. Carrot sticks with sunflower butter.


Reading the new Whole 30 book helped a lot.

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