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Starting TODAY, May 21st! Woo Hoo!


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It's time for me to cut out that addictive sugar and those empty carbs!  I'm kind of anxious about how the withdrawals and cravings are going to affect me since I have such a sweet tooth but I know this will totally be worth it!  First step of the day, black coffee (and it's not so bad!). Wish me luck!  

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I'm starting today also. I'm nervous and a tad overwhelmed. Seems like a lot of literature but all necessary. My downfall is I'm a lazy eater. I know this will take effort and time and I'm willing to do it because I know it is important. I'll keep you posted. Nice to be here and thanks for creating this environment.

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Wow, this is going to be tough with all the temptations at work...a bakery on site that provides AMAZING items daily for the employee dining room...the smells...but that is why I'm starting this program!  I also received a food dehydrator from one of my co-workers that I'll use to help build up some "emergency kits." Day 1 and so far no slip-ups!  :D

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I started yesterday also. I keep trying and failing. Havent made more than 10 days. Total sugar adddict and nighttime eater. However enough is enough! I've invested in a pasture raised CSA for meat and changed in March from a 4 year old vegan diet. I'm finding adding meat back in is much more satisfying, but the sugar dragon although not as strong still haunts me. I am hoping a commitment to this forum will help me to do this right. Biggest obstacle,, night time snacking....and even paleo snacking has to go if I'm not even hungry! Thank you for letting me ramble. We CAN do this together. Got your meals planned for today? I do. Made it through yesterday, but ate more nuts than I should have last night. Not gonna whip myself but must conquer snacking at night starting today.

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Wow, this is going to be tough with all the temptations at work...a bakery on site that provides AMAZING items daily for the employee dining room...the smells...but that is why I'm starting this program! 


This is my challenge. I can be perfect at home, but work is tricky. The employee lunch room is a giant "baked goods ambush" to me. It's a strong temptation.


I have to tell myself that the pastries are for someone else; they're probably stale, anyway; or: "That is NOT the last Lemon-Poppyseed Muffin in the universe. They will be available after W30 and then, if you really, really want one, you can have one."


Plus, I take my lunch and I have to have a rule that I must eat what I take to work. Nothing from the cafeteria.


Good luck!

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 Thank you for letting me ramble. We CAN do this together. Got your meals planned for today? I do. Made it through yesterday, but ate more nuts than I should have last night. Not gonna whip myself but must conquer snacking at night starting today.


I also ate too many nuts yesterday, I had almonds at work because that's when I have the most cravings.  Today I had eggs and zucchini for breakfast, planning on a salad from my employee dining room with a protein side (hard boiled eggs if whatever they cook is not compliant) and the Chicken Cacciatori (sp?) that is in the Whole30 cookbook for dinner with a side of mashed potatoes to keep my husband and step daughter happy.  We can do this!  Good Luck!

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Thanks. Had eggs and kale for breakfast with a little romanesco sauce from the whole 30 book. lunch is large salad and sardines and avocado. dinner is leftover garlic shrimp with zuchinni noodles and romanesco sauce from the cookbook. will probably add a small sweet potato baked and mashed with a little coconut oil , cinamon and salt. really yummy!

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Day 2 - I woke up with the horrible hangover feeling, headache from hell. :(

The hubs and I made it through day 1 with no problems but I'm already sick of cooking so much. He's a big night time snacker too and ate a handful of pistachios last night. Lucky for me I was too tired to stay up and get the munchies (teething baby who isn't sleeping much).

I'm feeling very motivated still so that's good. How is everyone's day 2 going so far?

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Day 2 - I woke up with the horrible hangover feeling, headache from hell. :(

The hubs and I made it through day 1 with no problems but I'm already sick of cooking so much. He's a big night time snacker too and ate a handful of pistachios last night. Lucky for me I was too tired to stay up and get the munchies (teething baby who isn't sleeping much).

I'm feeling very motivated still so that's good. How is everyone's day 2 going so far?


Sorry to hear you're not feeling well!  Last night my husband ate a milk chocolate truffle in front of me...torture!  But today has been okay, I tried coconut oil in my coffee which was very interesting.  I'm kinda fuzzy headed but okay so far.

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Sorry to hear you're not feeling well! Last night my husband ate a milk chocolate truffle in front of me...torture! But today has been okay, I tried coconut oil in my coffee which was very interesting. I'm kinda fuzzy headed but okay so far.

Oh man, that is torture. I tried the coconut milk too and I immediately poured out my coffee. No, thank you! I think we can have certain teas so I may go that way.

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I do love teas.  However last night on my grocery shopping trip I missed some very fine print on the ingredients of the herbal tea (to drink at night)...soy lecithin.  ARGH!  At least I didn't look AFTER I drank. 

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i am surviving too. i have no excuses, no hubby to tempt me with bad stuff, and retired so no office munchies. the office was the worst. babysat late and had to get paperwork to lender for condo im buying, so didint want to mess in the kitchen. bought a rotisserie chicken, ate a little coleslaw from stuff in the frig. think im good for the night. we can and will do this! think ill delete the photo and try again later

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How is everyone's day 3. Super tired and yucky today, exactly as described for day 3 in the whole 30. scrambled eggs for breakfast and feeling better. couldnt sleep last night, so got into the cashews, but stopped after one serving, which is a first. good luck to all of you on this holiday weekend. Bringing a skirt steak, cole slaw, cucmber salad and portabella mushrooms for family bbq tomorrow. All compliant!

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I'm super tired and feeling hungover today...got my house super clean in case I start feeling too crummy to keep up. ;)  Had an egg scramble with zucchini and red bell pepper with bacon and coffee with coconut milk for breakfast.  Probably a sausage with greens for lunch and hamburger patties for dinner with asparagus and russet potatoes. If I don't respond this weekend it's only because of the extended holiday weekend.  Hope everyone is having a good Saturday!

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Today was an interesting day. Woke up pretty refreshed, surprisingly, had a solid breakfast with eggs, bacon, kale, bell pepper, and avocado.  I had my coffee with coconut oil with breakfast while watching the Indie 500.  Then my hubby and I hit the yard work....HARD!  Oh my, I'm so very exhausted.  I was surprised how I was able to sustain the physical labor all day!  But this is only day 4...lots to come in the following days.  


BTW, lunch was a leftover hamburger patty, greens, avocado, and asparagus.  Dinner will be the Salmon Benedict that is in the cookbook with broccoli.


How is everyone's holiday weekend going?  Any challenges with Memorial Day BBQ's or gatherings?

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Sounds yummy Becs! Where did you find Whole30 compliant bacon? I can't find it anywhere so I think if I get desperate enough I'll have to order online.

We're not doing any BBQ's this holiday so resisting temptation will be easy. I did go to the grocery store today to grab a few more things and found myself sniffing around the pastry section a little too long.

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No bbq today as expected, just a visit with my daughters family. I brought leftover fish curry for lunch, then had salmon when I got home. Still compliant, although it's really tough. Craving a snack even though I'm not hungry. Proabably better to snack on compliant food than just blow it all!

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I don't know about all of you, but I've found the prep time is very time consuming!  I'll have to wake up earlier so I can prepare better breakfasts on days I work and maybe precook some lunches/dinners (my brother is on a paleo diet for bootcamp and he does this).  I had major cravings today for snacks and breads.  It was so hard after driving past 4 pizza restaurants in a 1 mile block...


I found the bacon at Smiths (Kroger).  I also found some from Kirkland brand at Costco, but I haven't verified the label since my hubby bought it.  It's labeled low-sodium.

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Prep time is crazy, I've read advise from Well Fed about preprep. Always have a dozen eggs boiled and breakfast is covered. Save vegees or salad from the night before. I'll bake a chicken or chix parts, brown some beef or pork , steam some veggies, boil the eggs, and make one or two recipes , on Sunday or one night during the week. Lunch is always a huge salad with various veggies and what ever meat I have cooked or a can of tuna or sardines. Dinner is mix and match whatever is prepped in the frig. I use the meal map ideas in whole 30 or It starts with Food or the Well Fed cookbook. I don't always get the "big cook" done but do try to get at least 2 dinners and lunch from a recipe or protein prep.when the frig is full of easy to grab food it's much easier to stick with the plan knowing there is something good and easy to eat at home. Both nomnompaleo and clothesmakethegirl websites have lots of ideas and good recipes.

My biggest problem is not snacking after dinner. I just want to keep stuffing my face. I've cleaned the nuts out of the house, so I'm trying not eat at all or have a small amount of left over protein or at least save a portion of dinner for bedtime. I'd really like to break the habit of bedtime eating but not sure if I can. It seems there is a monster that pops out at night and it's really hard to tame. At least the sugar dragon isn't winning.

Are we all staying off the scale? So far so good, I'm sure it's nots good right now anyway. I just really want to do the 30 days since I've been trying since March. One thing for sure, my blood pressure really responds well when I am compliant.

Have a great day!

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Because of my many restarts, Ipaid the $15 to subscribe to the Daily Whole 30 and it seems to be helping. It can only be used when starting or starting over because it counts the days anf you are signing up on day 0 or the night before. It's nice to see what day it is every morning and get verbal encouragement. So...if anyone has to star over or when you complete the 30 days and want keep going it might be a big help.

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Because of my many restarts, Ipaid the $15 to subscribe to the Daily Whole 30 and it seems to be helping. It can only be used when starting or starting over because it counts the days anf you are signing up on day 0 or the night before. It's nice to see what day it is every morning and get verbal encouragement. So...if anyone has to star over or when you complete the 30 days and want keep going it might be a big help.

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Thanks for the advice on the prep!  I'm planning my food for next week tonight so I can work in the preprep.  I had CRAZY dreams last night that I only had pizza to eat so I was picking off the compliant toppings but then next thing I knew I ate the whole pizza because I was so hungry!  Haha, dreams can be so weird...

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As my co-worker next to me is humming "who wants to do a saltine challenge" as he is crunching away on a packet of saltines...Today was tough.  The employee dining had these chocolate/snickers cake things that everyone around me kept saying "...WOW..." and pork mango tacos, all non-compliant.


I'm going shopping tonight and I can recharge on yummy whole foods!  I plan on making some mayo, guac, and salsa for my upcoming week.  I'm thinking I need to increase my sodium because I've been floating away these past few days and waking up in the middle of the night to hit the bathroom.


How has everyone been doing?  Any good recipes or any fails?

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