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Start Date June 3rd


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Ok, so after a month of thinking and researching this I am finally ready to start! I made a meal plan for the whole month so I can nip that excuse in the bud! I'm going shopping today after work and hubby is cleaning the fridge! I'd tried to get my whole family and a few friends to do it with me but no one wants to give up certain things. Even hubby will not give up the tobacco or alcohol but at least will be supporting me with the meals! Anyways I need lots of encouragement, as I seem to always self sabotage myself! Wish me luck shopping! 

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I started last Friday, May 29th so tomorrow will be the end of the first week.  I have found the cooking exhausting but hope to get a better handle on it for week two.  It takes a ton of organization and figuring out the kinds of foods you really enjoy eating.  It is also very important not to run out of the foods you can eat.  Going shopping after work to stock up on more fruits, vegetables and avocado as I am running low.  I was a huge diet soda and Crystal Light junkie so that has been the hardest thing to give up.  I have been rather low energy this week which has made my workouts tough but hope to start to feel more energy by week two.  Good luck everyone!

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This program is more mental than anything else.  I can drink black coffee!  The best thing I have found is that if I eat a good hearty portion of protein and fat I do not find myself hungry until the next meal although it just seems so counter intuitive to eat a good amount of fat!!!!  I have never thought about fat fueling energy before.  I always just assumed it went directly onto my hips and butt!  lol

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How did your first day go? I started yesterday as well and it was BRUTAL. I felt horrible from about 2 p.m. until I went to bed at 7:30 (WAY earlier than normal!) My husband and son were definitely trying to stay the heck out of my way, I was not pleasant! I expected more of the same today but I actually feel really good on day 2!


Hope you're still doing well!

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I started June 3rd as well. Wrapping up day 7 today. It has been pretty easy, just had to set my mind to it. Drank 6 or more diet cokes pre-w30 and like my coffee blonde and sweet - definitely two of my biggest hurdles. I didn't sleep very good the first 3 or 4 nights. Last night I slept pretty well. Energy level good. No cravings. Have had a dull headache the past few days. Hoping that will subside. Good luck to everyone.

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June 3rd I turned 45 and was in the worst shape of my entire life!!!! I had always been active in fit up until about 3 years ago ....I don't recognize the person I am today.  So I purchased Whole 30 about 2 weeks prior to my birthday and vowed to begin on June 4th...I am one week in and I can say that yesterday was like thee best day..Those first few days my energy was low, I couldn't get myself together to do any exercise, however I worked out the past two days and this morning and I feel terrific!!!! My 30 days end on July 3rd a day before independence day and I am going to celebrate my freedom from food and wine!!! I am looking forward to living a whole 30 lifestyle!!


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