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Hi All!


Day 1, just thought I would say hello.  This was, in theory, supposed to be Day 2 but, well, yesterday didn't go so swell.  All good I am on it now!!!


A lot of folks seem to struggle with the milk in the coffee thing, for me it's giving up the wine and cheese and crackers- yikes!  Even though I typically make good choices in the foods I eat I know sugar is lurking everywhere and I really feel like my system could use a reset.  DH is kinda following along, though I don't think he'll give up the milk in his coffee.  He's super supportive though, so I am very fortunate!


Anyhow, just wanted to shout out to say hey and also remind myself that I AM, in fact, DOING THE WHOLE30!!!!!  I'm in Boston, MA if anyone is local and wants to meet up for a walk!




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Good luck! I'm starting my official count today, ate clean Sun-Tues, then had guests yesterday and knew I was going to eat sushi rice and have a drink, so delyaed instead of restarting. Here's to new patterns and insight into our choices!

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How'd day one treat you? Mine was wonky, but that was unrelated to diet :).


Who would've thought that a lunch of hard boiled eggs (4), pickles (3), a carrot and a cup of strawberries would be satiating? Before this not me.



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Day 1 had its ups and downs, largely anxiety I brought on myself- sometimes I can't get out of my own way!!!!!  DH and I had a great dinner, Chimichurri flank steak over zoodles (I always feel like such a tool typing that for some reason...), plus I added cukes tossed with some olive oil and red wine vinegar as well as avocado....  He was very interested in talking about the "Can I have?" stuff, which was kind of adorable.  He's got far more of a sweet tooth than I do so for him not having dessert is a big thing where I could take it or leave it.  I tossed some watermelon with lime juice and mint, big hit.


I personally think pickles go great with EVERYTHING so I am with you on that!!  Do you make your own?  I've always wanted to try that.


So far so good Day 2, lovely day here in Boston.  I am usually not a big morning eater but I munched on a piece of the frittata I made and that was cool.  ALSO attempted my first batch of mayo, which had been intimidating the heck out of me for some unknown reason despite being pretty comfortable in the kitchen.  All I can ask is "WHAT have I been doing buying Hellman's all these years??".  SO good and now I'm on to mix up a protein salad and continue with my OTHER project this month- purging my closets!!!!


How's today for you Kith?  Anything fun for lunch?   :rolleyes:



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I just bought a giant reference book on fermenting, so pickled everything is on the agenda. I'm going to make mayo and try fermenting ti tomorrow, maybe goodness will result.


Breakfast was scrambled eggs wtih a kale/arugula blend and mushrooms, lunch today is gonna be leftover steak on a salad bed with cukes/carrot shreds, a cup of delicious saurekraut and some green grapes.


I heart zoodles, thought, yes, the name sounds like something my preschool teacher would use to describe...something, and love spaghetti squash as well. Those are on the menu for dinner, as well as my mostest favorite pesto ever, which just happened to be whole30 adherent!


I feel you on the closets, I did one of mine last month pre vacation...need to hit the other.


Happy Friday!

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Hahahaha you savage!!!!


The book on fermentation sounds AMAZING- what a great idea!!!  I may have to look into it.


Feeling pretty good about today so far, making a batch of kale chips to nom as we watch a movie tonight.  I'll sip kombucha in a wine glass.  It'll be great!!!


Ugh the closets.  I have moved 7.5 in 4 years.  I've purged a lot but still have so much STUFF!!!!  Wish me luck!


Any fun plans for the weekend besides pickling things?

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The book is The Art of Fermentation by Katz, a foodie friend described it as "it's a hippie who goes around and convinces people to ferment things, and give the methods and the whys instead of a cookbook."


Is supposed to be hot up here (90s...) so will stack close to home, but hope to get more food prep done (bone broth, mayo, sunshine sauce, a whole chicken...), and hopefully a walk in my favorite park after my <mumble mumble> emergency dentist appt.


I will try to send happy uncluttering vibes your way, and hope you get to do something fun and non-exclusively in the kitchen.


The kombucha in a wine glass sounds fantastic. All yummy and good for you and good for the soul too, I'll bet.

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Day 3!


Kith how are you today?  Any fermenting tales to share?


Late start, we like to sleep in on the weekends, so brunch was left over fritatta and (sugar free) bacon, plus I sauteed up some spinach and onions bc it sounded good to me.  Tried coconut milk in my tea, really nice actually!  Also very interesting departure for DH from our usual bagels and lox!


Big shopping trip today with 2 NSVs- 1) I sailed through the far end of Whole Foods ignoring the cheese cubes, even though some were some of my faves and 2) Made it out without buying a bottle of wine.  May seem like no big but one of the things I love the most on the weekends is cooking something yummy over the course of the afternoon/evening and savoring a few glasses of wine over the course of doing so.  


I SO don't want to screw this up, I WON'T screw this up!!!!


Brunch out tomorrow with DH and my step-daughter, first eating out challenge.  I am hoping for some poached eggs and mixed greens with lemon and olive oil!


Hope everyone out there in Whole30 land is having a fabulous weekend!


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sorry to jump in on this conversation, but I live in Amherst MA and its nice to have someone in Boston to share info with. I am on day 6 and holding strong. I too miss red wine and cheese!!

went to the movies with my 10 year old and abstained from popcorn. very proud of myself.

good luck to both of you


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Great to "see" you Justyne and PLEASE jump in, I would love this to become a great big discussion/Whole30 early stage love fest!!


OMG popcorn is one of my HUGE triggers!!  Planning on seeing the Jurassic movie after it comes out and I don't care a fig about the soda or milk duds, GIVE ME ALL THE POPCORN!!  Plus I make it myself from scratch at home a lot and it. is. heaven!!  WTG on holding out in what had to be an assault on the senses with all the smells in an enclosed theatre!  You SHOULD be super proud of yourself!  I should in theory be on Day 6 but life intervened and it was really important to me to start strong, start right and start prepared!!!


Hope to see you around!  Gotta go check on my pulled pork carnitas, hope it tastes as good as my house smells right now!  Oh.  And pour myself more seltzer!




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Popcorn is my second favorite butter delivery system, right behind fresh toast. Welcome Justyne!

Have some asparagus and cabbage that I'm hoping ferment nicely, and used live cultures to ferment my mayo. Fingers crossed.

Good job at the store. I did really well everywhere except the cheese counter, where I did stand and just sniffed for a moment. Stayed strong though :)

Scotch eggs from Well fed are a huge hit, and I am making gyro loaf tomorrow. Hope your carnitas are delighted.

How go the closet wars?

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KILL ALL THE THINGS!!!!!  OK please send good thoughts to DH, yikes I was a handful this evening.  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:


Sorry to be weighing on (not on a scale) so late, yet another day flew by!  


Kith- first, you can ferment MAYO?????  OMG I die.


Second- don't ask about the closets.  Oy.  As usual on the weekends I get so caught up in "household" things my projects got a bit sidelined.  DID have some fantastic food though.


TODAY was tough!!!  Brunch seemed to be going swimmingly until the food started arriving... I had very politely explained to the server, amongst my questions about the menu (I had looked in advance and had my meal all picked out) that I was avoiding sugar, honey, agave, sweeteners of all kinds.  When I asked if the torched/caramelized fruit plate could come with just plain untouched fruit he said that was no problem.  Until it arrived drenched in liquid sugar- just not torched.  I realized after a blueberry and half a banana slice.  OK.  So then the lovely kale and fennel salad with poached egg arrives, after he swore the dressing was JUST oo, lemon and salt, and about 2 bites in I am POSITIVE there is something sweet.  So I finally get his (annoyed) attention and ask "there's definitely no honey in the vinaigrette?" to which he replied "well they usually add it but I told them not to".  OK, that's why I pressed originally in asking if it was indeed ONLY lemon juice and oo.  Got a new salad with oo, lemon, s/p, all separate and on the side.  I made sure DH tipped him well but YIKES!!!!


Do we think those few bites plus blueberry/half bite of banana have set me back to Day 1???  I will tell you my stomach is peeved majorly right now but it's been pi$$y the last day or two.  I am actually really worried about this so if anyone has any thoughts I'd love to hear them.


I was very moody tonight.  DH made lovely grass fed burgers, which we wrapped in lettuce (collard for me) with the W30 slaw and ranch dressings (and pickles for me, always with the pickles).  I've been guzzling seltzer/mineral water like it's my job.  After dinner, fully aware of what a pill I've been I hugged DH and apologized for being so insufferable.  I explained I might officially be in the "KILL ALL THE THINGS" stage.  He looks at me bewildered :huh: and says "there's a stage for this part??  Why didn't someone WARN me????".  Poor guy.  


Quiet week ahead, looking forward to some exercise- hopefully hot yoga to help me push through this awful bloat and some outside time and YES killing my closets!!!!


How's everyone here?  Thank you for indulging my mad rants!  Kith a gyro loaf sounds fantastic!  A recipe of your own?  Justyne we had lovely weather in Boston today, how are you and things in Western MA?


I am hitting the hay and anticipate NO trouble falling asleep.  Again, thanks for "hearing" me out!!!  Wow.  Lotta caps in this message.


Here's to a GREAT week ahead for all of us.  Keep on keepin' on!!!!  Ready to conquer Day 5 tomorrow!!!


-Bean  :D  :D  :D

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Hello Bean, Kith and Justyne,

I hope that it's okay if I post on this forum. I'm posting from home on a phone. This is my first forum - my cavegirlness extends to a gal who still listens to CDS and has yet to invest in a home computer.

I'm in Denver, and we've had an unusual amount of rain this year, so not enough sun has me facing the reality of my health. I started the Whole 30 Tuesday, hadn't finished the book, had a small juice with my lunch and a few pieces of corn. Friday, I had some sprouted bulgar. I'm keeping my start date, but will extend the program if I want to.

Friday and Saturday were horrid. After 3 days of elation, excitement at cooking from scratch, and being so proud of making such a great change for myself, I met this physically, emotionally, psychologically confused and crazy side of myself. I think it was carb flu and may not be over. I could not get enough water and had no energy which did not pair well with investing in a new exercise program.

Pickles, saurkraut, sparkling water are some of the things making this Whole 30 work for me. I am very interested in learning more about the fermenting book. Mayo can be fermented?!? I'm thinking that I may need to learn how to pickle as I could go through a jar a week right now.

I'm learning that I have a night shade problem which I have been in denial about but am giving myself a few more days with eggs and tomatoes before I let those go, too. This was not anticipated and is harder than glutens, sugar, dairy though I adore cheese.

Well thanks for being there. I'll keep it shorter in the future.

Lisa :-)

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Aww, Bean, am so sorry <hug>. I think that Melissa's official post on the restart might offer some guidance, or maybe the mods with all their experience? I think too it's a matter of weighing intent/effect. Personally I'd probably keep going, but either add some time a tthe end or delay sugar in teh reintroduciton until last, tryign to get as much gut time sans-sugar as I could.


I'm not brave enough to go out at this point, which is good in terms of compiance, and bad in terms of dishes. So many this weekend.


Fermenting mayo at home gives it a useful life of 1-2 months intead of a week or so. I added a tsp of active cultures from the pickles I bought (Bubbies), and let it sit out for 6 hours before fridging. I have tiny containers in the back that are non-fermented and fermented, and I'm gonna let them sit and watch them age...mostly to see if I can recognize when mayo goes bad. Eating the bulk of it though :)


No KATT for me, yet anyway. My hubs is also no dairy-no sugar, but he gets all the grain and pasta that I'm not eating. He's a champ though, and loved the gyro meat and scotch eggs I made this weekend. Passed on the veggies, chicken and salmon, but you can't win them all, right?


Happy Day 5, and welcome LisaMarie! Carb flus are no fun. You making sure to get your starchy veg in?


We can rock this!

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How's day 6 going?


I'm definately more moody than usual, but it's small enough that no one but me notices.


Humming "Get Low" is a subversive and subtle way to vent the rage for me.


I aslo have to eat half a cabbage in the next few days befroe it goes bad, not really excited about that. Stayign strong though!



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Hi Everyone!!!!!

Welcome Lisa, (She was choppin' brocoleeeeee) I hope this week is treating you better. Days 4 and 5 were rough for me too, please see above post about KATT!!!! Also that I seem to have ingested SOME sugar despite my ordering efforts to top those lovely days off! We hope to see you around :-) My youngest brother is in Denver, a transplant from New England. He LOVES it out there.

I am really sorry for not dropping by to say hi yesterday, I am striving to post at least once a day to keep myself on track and lend some support if I can. Plus I love learning from others journeys (see: fermenting mayo). Yesterday was just nonstop! All went well in W30 land though, thankfully! Still a BIT moody. ALL I wanted to eat was kale and fresh cherries!!!! Do you guys know kelp noodles? Apparently they ARE W30 approved case by case as for some folks noodles/pasta are a trigger. I personally LOVE these and had some last night under the leftover slaw and pulled pork topped with some of the ranch I made. And pickles. Of course pickles.

Getting some skin breakouts... hard to tell if it is W30 or cyclacle.

Kith I am totally on the same page as you regarding pressing forward vs. starting over. "Sweets" are not a big thing for me, to be honest, so delaying adding anything in at the end shouldn't be an issue. So... with the fermenting mayo, you literally just scooped some of the liquid from the Bubbies and added it in? Because if it really is that simple that is amazing news!!! How goes the experiment? BTW I am SO making Scotch eggs this weekend.

Justyne how are things out your way? Is this Day9 for you? Something around that?

Does anyone have a favotite recipe website that they love and gravitate to on a regular basis? Would love suggestions!!!

BIG TEST today, Day6. One of the reasons yesterday was so nuts was because I got a call during the day for a last minute audition today in NYC so I was running around getting ready. This is GOOD news, here's the thing: First, it's my Maiden Voyage as far as traveling with W30 (even for just a day). Second, it's NYC and that makes me want to eat ALL THE THINGS. And third, this will be the first time in SOME time that I don't have my traditional "Postini"- i.e. Post Audition Martini/glass of wine. Traditionally I go out with friends colleagues after and audition and we toast/celebrate/commiserate. I scheduled myself a very, very tight turn around so I won't be hanging around Penn Station listening to the Siren song of pizza and fried calamari (and wine) AND one of my favorite sushi places that is right by Penn. I know sashimi is cool but see then I'd want a miso soup... their agadashi tofu is really great... maybe just a sip of sake... You get it. That said, please send good thoughts if you can spare them that the audition is on time and all goes smooth- already had enough travel drama getting out of Boston today!!

You should see my snack bag!!!! Kale chips I made yesterday, celery sticks with ranch dressing, grilled chicken with my homemade (raw, W30 compliant) "Caesar" dressing in the hopes I can find a green salad to throw them on or just eat them, hard boiled eggs, an avocado plus some guac I made, an apple DH cut up for me with compliant almond butter, cherries AND (yes I am that person) a little coconut milk in case I want to add it to the iced espresso I typically drink before I sing. Oh, and a compliant Lara Bar just in case. No way I will eat all that but wanted to give myself options. And it sure as heck beats Amtrak food!!

And with a train ride both ways you all are stuck with me!

I hope everyone is having a great Tuesday, no matter what "Day" you are on! I look forward to hearing the good the bad the great and the ugly if you have time and are so inclined!

Keep on keepin' on everyone!!


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Kith you are awesome. Get Low is going to be on permanent replay in my head now. Wait do you mean the Lil Jon one? I have tried some of the chanting I learned in my yoga teacher training, more often I just talk to myself and remind myself to think before I speak. Thank the Universe I am married (newly ) to a fantastic human being. If *you* are the only one noticing it you must be pretty chill.

There are worse things to "have" to consume than cabbage- are you going to dress it up at all or au naturale? I get it though, I HATE letting produce go bad. We have some fantastic Farmers Markets in my area so I am excited to start hitting those rather than Whole Foods.

How are things with you?

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Heh heh heh, earworm! and yes, the Lil Jon one.


Having a pretty good day here, though I liken that to me being like the Hulk at work "I'm always angry," meanign I assuem stuff is going to happen to irritate me, and therefor generally stay pretty calm. Minor blowup yesterday, but nothing was thrown, so all is good.


Congrats on the audition, and break a leg. I'll try to send happy vibes cross the coast. Your train food sounds delicious, BTW.


For the mayo, yep, just threw in a tsp of the bubbies magis with the lemon juice, and so far, no ER trips with salmonella :)


The cabbage is already steamed and shredded (used coconut water over weekend when making a vague Thai dish), so i'll probably sautee great mounds of it, smother in sunshine sauce and call it good. Problem is that there is so much food, I have to make sure I fit it all into meals. This meals dinner is pulled roasted chicken, cabbage and roasted sweet potatoes, all potentially in the sunshine sauce (which rocks, BTW).


I think I need to start actually planning meals, so far it's just been: buy what produce looks good and I'm eating, buy yummy protein, then run to store every night after work to get that "one thing" I forgot (lime juice, marjoram, mustard powder, sweet potato the size of my head...) I'm certainly not bored with the food though, so that's a plus.


I also think my "sugar dragon" is actually the "cheese and toast dragon." Fine with limited fruit, no snacking needed, no sugar cravings, but I might just assault someone for cheese on toast.


I won't though, that's what avocados are for :P



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I have decided to face the music and have yesterday as my official day 1 since I had another weak moment and ate groats the night before. I don't know if it's so weak as a desire to have some good digestion. I'm okay with giving up eggs and tomatoes. I'm not ready for coffee and citrus and nuts as I may have these sensitivities, and how will I ever find out if I don't? But I have to ease into this. Salt, pepper, seltzer water and coconut water are keeping me going. Appetite is low but I have this new three day a week workout that I am committed to eating 3 meals for. Moody no telling when. Night is hard. I really want something sweet. Last night, I had to have a tsp of coconut milk.

Bean, how was your audition? You sound stocked with healthy snacks! I will have to do so for this 1940s WWII Era Ball on Saturday evening.

Kithkin, where are you located? Sorry, if I missed it but the two of you have so many ideas to share! So much learning getting into this. Want to know how the mayo turns out.

I'm just cooking for myself which I don't know if it makes it easier or harder. It would be nice to have someone to eat every meal with yet I'm not being constantly tempted either. I definitely need a song to sing under my breath. Not sure Get Low will do the trick :-)


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I have decided to face the music and have yesterday as my official day 1 since I had another weak moment and ate groats the night before. I don't know if it's so weak as a desire to have some good digestion. I'm okay with giving up eggs and tomatoes. I'm not ready for coffee and citrus and nuts as I may have these sensitivities, and how will I ever find out if I don't? But I have to ease into this. Salt, pepper, seltzer water and coconut water are keeping me going. Appetite is low but I have this new three day a week workout that I am committed to eating 3 meals for. Moody. Night is hard. I really want something sweet. Last night, I had to have a tsp of coconut milk.

Bean, how was your audition? You sound stocked with healthy snacks! I will have to do so for this 1940s WWII Era Ball on Saturday evening.

Kithkin, where are you located? Sorry, if I missed it but the two of you have so many ideas to share! So much learning getting into this.

I'm just cooking for myself which I don't know if it makes it easier or harder. It would be nice to have someone to eat every meal with yet I'm not being constantly tempted either. I definitely need a song to sing under my breath. Not sure Get Low will do the trick


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Kith, avocados make EVERYTHING better.  I truly believe this.  I hear you on the "that one thing I'm missing" store trips... I tend to be the opposite and make crazy lists and come home with a ton of stuff! SO far I have been sticking to what I am using and all is well.  I compared recipes that I had planned to identify common ingredients (mustard powder or other spices, eggs, that sort of thing) and planned the shopping list around that.  Type A much?  HOW are my closets such a mess???


Lisa I applaud your decision either way!!!  The program gives us great guidance and tools but ultimately the journey is ours!!  I am sure you would have done great staying or restarting but you listened to your intuition and I know that will pay off!!!  If you don't mind me asking, how did you determine your nightshade sensitivity?  I, for one, would be devastated to give up eggs, but...


I have to tell you, and sorry if this is TMI... I am SO CRAZY BLOATED!!!!  I am actually going to go post a question about this, probably on the Ladies Only board, because I am losing my mind!!!  I seriously look like I am expecting and heading out of my second trimester!!!!  There are no new foods I am consuming, everything I've been eating is in line with what I would have had before, the only difference is what I am NOT eating/drinking.  I have followed the "rules"/guidelines really closely and I canNOT figure out what this is!!!  I am wondering if it's the kombucha?  Even though I was drinking it before I was also consuming alcohol... I don't know where I am going with that, but, I am willing to consider anything because this SUCKS!!!  Drinking water like it's my job, in case that is a thought.  Perpetually feeling like I might float away.  At least I'd be buoyant!


OY!!!!  Thoughts or even sympathy appreciated.  I know there is a "Holy *insertname* my pants are TIGHTER" stage but it seems early for that and wow, if this is that I am praying to whomever will listen that it passes soon.  I've had that "bloated" feeling before, either at certain times in my cycle or because of something I ate or drank but I have to say this is WAY worse!!!


OK rant over.


Audition went really well, Lisa, thank you for asking.  I was very pleased as was my pianist and agent.  And the folks who heard me.  Fingers and toes crossed!


Heading to sleepy time soon, going to go take a nice relaxing shower to wash NYC off of me.  It's great and all but I am glad I no longer live there, and I am glad to come home.


How has the rest of Tuesday Day2/6/whichever treated everyone?  Supposed to be nice here tomorrow, maybe a trip to the beach and a swim in the ocean will help? Though the thought of a bathing suit right now.... eeeesh!


Sending smiles coast to coast!!!


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Sorry you're struggling a bit Lisa Marie. I don't know what your fiber/veggie intake is like, but I know that things are moving quickly for me, possibly because I've eaten 4 boxes of green leafy things in 9 days. (it felt supremely strange typing that, btw). As a veteran of elimination diets, I urge you to be gentle with yourself, stick with the template and don't give up too much (more) at once. I feel you on the citrus/nuts. I already eat them sparingly, and am doing no nightshades as well.

Bean, I secretly want to be totally type A with the lists, but last time I tried that on a strict diet it was not pretty. I got all rebellious and dropped earlier than I planned, and it was the right choice at the time, but it meant I didn't get answers, so... Whole 30 it is. Beach time sounds amazing.

Funny story, had to kill time at whole foods today (long story involving a package getting delivered to my address from last year) and intended to get cashews to soak (for a pasta sauce trial). Spouse was "helpful" and we ended up with 5 kinds of compliant sausage, three jars of pasta sauce (tomato basil marinara was reliably without sugar) two squash 8 avocados and 4 kinds of sweet potato. Crazy, but I think now all I need to stock up on this weekend is... Green leafy vegetables. I feel like a rabbit, except that I cook 2/3 of them.

Am just north of Portland, OR, btw. Different ocean, same goal. Congrats on the audition, and go to the beach. Who cares what you look like in a bathing suit? You are strong, getting healthier and should be proud. "There is no wrong way to have a body" - H Blank

Hugs! Kith

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Hey Hi!


Ugh, I had a huge post typed out and then the page reloaded for some dumb reason!!!  OK this is the Universe telling me to shush a bit maybe!!


Lisa Marie how was Day3 (did I get that right?)?  May I ask what your new work out is?  I am mostly a cardio and heated power yoga person myself (which has quite a bit of cardio!!) but am always interested in new things!  The WWII era dance sounds amazing!!!  What's that about?  I agree with you that nights can be tough, tonight I had some coconut milk myself- more than a tsp!  I know that is giving in to my Sugar Dragon to a certain extent but I'll take that over the girl scout cookies I came across in my freezer tonight when I had to clean the whole darn thing out because it's kaput.  Not.  Fun.  BUT I put the thin mints to the side and got it done.  Hope you are feeling well!  


Kith, careful what you wish for re: lists!!!  It definitely has a not pretty side to it!!  How goes the mayo experiment?  I love when the spouses "help"!  At least you came home with good stuff and not a bag of popcorn or box of Cap'n Crunch!!!  I am a big fan of using cashews in sauces, I make a great raw/vegan pesto dip/spread that I always use cashews for- makes it creamier!  I am also a fan of cashew milk but have been avoiding nut milk since dairy is a trigger for me.  Would love to know more about the pasta sauce!  Didn't make it to the beach after all but did have some downtime with DH and a nice walk with him so that was great.


STILL battling this bloat!!!!!  Cut WAY down on seltzer/mineral water, just adding a splash to filtered water to add some "texture".  Not sure it helped, still feeling pretty huge!!!  I am hoping this is just kind of a detox from the dairy/alcohol I would normally consume and it will pass, I am feeling pretty miserable with it.  And Kith you are SO right- "there is no wrong way to have a body".  I am mostly healthy and strong and have a lot to be thankful for!!!


Feeling pretty pleased having completed Week 1 with no real slip ups!  Not sure what Week 2 will bring but I am ready to face it.  


Right now I am ready to face my bed.  So, so tired!  I think this is *supposed* to be the "all I want is a nap" stage.


Hope everyone is feeling fine!!!  See you tomorrow,


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