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New to Whole30/start date June 15


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Hello, I am new to the forum board. I've been researching Whole30 for the past 3 days. The official web site, reading parts of the book at Chapters, ordered book from Amazon, reading Pinterest (with a jaded eye!) and a few bloggers experiences.

I am very impressed with the testimonials.

Currently looking through my cupboards, reading labels, taking inventory. Next step will be using the template to plan my first weeks meals.

My question is: Is there anything else I should be doing to prep for this?

I did have a chat with my husband who is a little jaded, I've reassured him he does not have to give anything up. We do eat fairly healthy, in fact I've not used a processed frozen meal in ages.

Major accomplishment today, I drank my coffee black and I did not die.

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Sounds like we're in about the same place in some ways. Great to see someone else on a similar timeline. I just discovered Whole30 a few days ago, and my boyfriend and I are in the planning stages for starting the week of June 15th. I should get the books in the mail today. We go out of state for an event this weekend, so we're using up some groceries that aren't compliant and gathering recipes. I intend to do some food prep that will last through our trip, such as making ghee.


One thing I'm really finding helpful for my planning, I think, is sitting with exactly why I want to do this. I'm also trying to shift my thinking away from the lines of "deprivation." I'm considering adding more meditative practices, too, to let myself shut off distractions and deeply focus on my emotional and physical feelings. No telling if any of that will actually be all that helpful in the Whole30, but I figure it can't be a bad thing.


My boyfriend is still wrapping his head around it, and has some dismay over what will happen to his morning coffee.

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Thank you for your supportive replies. Since posting earlier I've done inventory of my freezer and cupboards, marked many products as No but almost as many as yes! I am making Ghee, mayonnaise and ketchup this week end.

Randi90, you are so right about this being a mind game. I need to relax and realize that I am doing the right thing and that it is a few simple things that I cannot have but so many wonderful foods that I can have. We'll have to compare food logs next week.

CaGirl, I've noticed that some recipes posted on Pinterest as being Whole30 compliant are definitely not! Do you suggest that I get their first book, It Starts With Food?

Thanks in advance!

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Also new to the forum and starting on June 15th. I got the book a couple of weeks ago and I've been reading up, testing out recipes and stocking my kitchen with essentials. My boyfriend is very supportive although he's not going for the full Whole 30 with me.

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