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Pork tenderloin HELP!

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Help! I made the Walnut-crusted pork tenderloin from the Whole30 cookbook. It came out way too salty and the walnuts didn't stick one bit. I'll cut the spices for the rub in half to ease the salt but anyone have tips on how to get the walnuts to stick? I feel like I threw the $5 or so for organic walnuts straight into the trash.

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Ohboy hope you didn't throw out everything lol

Was the pork cooked through? Was the oven or vessel preheated? How finely chopped were the walnuts?

Salty? If it were brined first in 3/4 tsp per pound it would stay moist or cut back if the salt is fine

I'm not familiar with this particular recipe

I usually preheat the pan or oven to make sure

I always have meat room temp so to speak

Before cooking pork may be left out of fridge one hour or so

The walnuts should be chopped finely or placed in a plastic bag and rolled over with a rolling pin or pounded with a mallet

You may brush egg white over the meat before rolling the meat over the almonds or whatever the method

If the pork wasn't cooked throughout 160*F it may have created steam and released the walnuts

Oh and if someone has made this recipe before I'm sure they'll post to you

Good luck

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I haven't seen this recipe, either, but I have a couple of thoughts that may or may not be of help.


I see a lot of pork in the supermarket that has been injected with some form of brine or tenderizing solution. If that's the case, an additional brining may have made it too salty and the liquid may have expanded during cooking and "pushed" off the crust.

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I agree that rolling the meat in egg will help the nuts stick. In the past, I have found that the smaller minced nuts stick better than larger nut pieces. BUT, if it happens again, make mashed sweet potatoes or green beans, and use those nuts as a topping on them :) 

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