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Starting June 18


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Been totally Gluten free for 3.5 years and lost 71 lbs through exercise and healthy eating (for the most part). Before I went gluten free I experienced constant problems with my gut so I have seen first hand how your diet can influence how you feel. I had surgery in January and have some trouble snapping back. Prior to the surgery I was doing yoga and weight training five - six days a week, now I can barely do half of what I did before and I'm in a lot of pain even when doing nothing. Inflammation is the story of my life. My surgeon is trying to tell me that I should expect this at my age (I just turned 62) but honestly I did not experience anything that kept me out of the gym or the yoga studio prior to this. He's telling me that I may have arthritis. After reading about inflammation I am thinking that this may have a lot to do with my pain. I'm hoping that Whole30 will help me with this and give me my life back. 

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I would like to start tomorrow as well. I tried this once but didn't make it through. It would be great to have someone hold me accountable and me do the same for them. I also want my life back. I find that I constantly stress over food and binge eat. I want a healthy relationship with food one that enriches my life instead of poisoning it.

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Alright, that would be great Ruth. It is now day four and I should make it through tonight with no problem. I find the amount of protein and fat on this leaves me with no or little cravings and have not eaten between meals but once and I ate protein and a couple nuts.  It has also given me more energy at the gym but I haven't notice much difference yet in my pain level. I just hope I don't gain weight on this thing, I can't afford to do that (maybe you do at the beginning, which is why, no scale?), although when I look in the mirror my stomach looks flatter?


The most difficult thing to give up is the scale. I'm addicted to it. It takes every fiber in my being not to jump on it. I have a rather expensive one that my sister gave me and I just can't get rid of it. I might have to move it out to the garage if it keeps calling to me.


Keep in touch, I'll try to check back tomorrow.

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I just hope I don't gain weight on this thing, I can't afford to do that (maybe you do at the beginning, which is why, no scale?)

There are many reasons for the no scale rule. One is to tune into your satiety cues, vs. using a scale to judge whether you're sufficiently nourishing yourself. Second, weight loss is typically non-linear, and can be due to a variety of things from undigested food, to hormonal fluctuations, to that time of month, etc. Third, it does not convey an adequate reading of overall health: the latter of which is where we really want you to place your focus on your Wnole30.

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I have noticed five days in, that eating this way I get full and am no longer looking around for something to eat in between meals so I am optimistic about the satiety cues. I know what you're say is true, that weight loss in non-linear having lost 71 lbs. There were weeks when I lost nothing and other weeks when I lost a good amount and my eating and exercise did not vary much.  


I'm not on here so much for weight loss, although let's face it, who wouldn't want to lose a few. My chief issue is pain, but I certainly don't want to put on additional weight because it would be counter productive, maybe make my knees, hip, back hurt more, so yes, that would be an issue but I have faith that would not be the case if I eat the WHOLE30 way.


The scale is a crutch and not having it although liberating also makes me nervous.  I've never been without it, well maybe when I go on vacation. I understand and agree with everything you are saying, it all makes sense in my head but I am still fearful even though it probably makes little sense.

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Seven days in and have noticed a difference in my pain, it has dropped down considerably.  I have only had one Aleve in the last seven days and used my Tens unit twice. I was taking Aleve and using my tens unit every day. I am able to do much more at the gym and my flexibility is so much better in my hips, this is where most of my pain is coming from. I am very optimistic. I slept through the night the last two nights which is very unusual, because normally I wake up due to pain. I am so thankful and look forward to seeing where this leads.

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