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Starting June 23


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I am starting the Whole30 on June 23.  I've read ISWF twice, as well as everything else I can get my hands on about the W30 program, but I have never actually started or completed the program.  I was diagnosed in January 2015 with Hashimoto's hypothyroidism, which is triggered by all forms of dairy, coffee, soy, legumes, cranberries and yeast.  I begrudgingly gave up coffee the day I was diagnosed (and that first week was sheer torture), but I have really struggled with the other items because they are hidden in so many other things. Since giving up coffee, my sleep has improved drastically.  I just finished a 12-week challenge that was focused on 'clean' eating and macros; however, I did not see the results that I was hoping to see.  I still struggle with getting out of bed in the morning, I lack concentration (especially at work), I find myself crying for no reason, my energy level are drastically lacking and no matter what 'diet' regime I follow and how hard I work in the gym I can't seem to lose any weight.  These are all symptoms of Hashimoto's.  After everything I read, I feel that the W30 program can help reverse these symptoms and possibly the Hashimoto's altogether.  I really look forward to the next 30 days.

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Good Luck today lmh!!! You got this -- I'm in my second Whole30 and also have thyroid issues. I was not diagnosed with Hashimoto's but this way of life has really helped me in many areas including my thyroid - I'm now in a normal range of 1.85 and my antibodies are great :) Tons of Non-scale victories, too -- even tempered, no mood swings, less bloating and inflammation, no headaches, sleeping better, no abdominal discomfort, etc. Just stick to the plan and all will go GREAT!

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I'm also starting today! Basically I mostly want to loose the baby weight (65 lbs!) I gained with having two babies back to back. I use to eat healthy and was obsessed over working out, playing rugby...those sort of things but now I do nothing and I stay tired!! House work wears me out so I want to feel better and not carry around this extra weight. Plus I've been having some back pain caused by inflammation so I hope to help it also. If I could stop craving all the junk I've been eating too would be wonderful!

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I started today, I did really well, not having problems with headaches or energy, got some working out done and even got my boss to all join me. My step son and his uncle are staying with us for the summer and want to lose weight, as do my hubby and I and I think eliminating most of my trigger foods (simple carbs) well go a long way to getting new back on track. I'm so glad to have a forum for this!

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I started yesterday, as well. And I also have the very beginnings of Hashimoto's hypothyroidism, as well as, some insulin resistance, and about 60-70 pounds to lose. I know my hormones are all out of wack and I have problems with allergies and my skin still breaking out. I know all of my 'problems' are because of the food I have been eating, and I really want to clean up my system and get myself back in balance. And I also know that a lot of that has to do with my relationship with food. I want a healthy one instead of feeling like I am always battling. I don't eat a lot of junk food, but that didn't seem to make a difference. I think it is probably the grains and dairy, and maybe the beans I was eating. I could deinteily see all my symptoms bein ga result of unlerying systemic infllamantion from reacting to food and not knowing it.


I am a vegetarian, and that is not going to change, so I am doing a lot of eggs, so far. I was going to maybe supplement with egg white protein or whye protein I found something that is just plain protein, no sugar or additives, etc. My day one went pretty well. I got a headache in the afternoon that lasted the rest of the day. It was a dull one. This morning I woke up and it was gone, but I feel tired, but practicing not putting my attention on that, but on what I am doing. I don't feel bad, just a bit foggy.


So, anyway...hope everyone had a great day 2! look forward to hearing how it goes!

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I started yesterday too! I know this will be difficult for me but I'm sooo excited about giving my body a chance to reset. I'm about 50 lbs overweight and have some bad habits. I LOVE cheese, and all things salty and crunchy and savory. Sugar in any form has never been my thing but, man oh man, those tater chips get me every time.

So far so good though. Day 2 is almost over and haven't had any crazy cravings. The hardest part for me is work, I'm a chef. That has to taste food. All day. Everyday.

So I'm definitely gonna need some encouragement, and hopefully I can cheer for ya'll too!

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Sounds like we are all starting off well! I haven't had any headaches and I'm already starting to feel better. I usually went to bed feeling quilty for what I ate during the day or not working out but not anymore! Also...if any of you are on instagram check out @whole30 they put up a chicken recipe that was amazing, I'll probably dream about it tonight!

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How is everyone doing?? Day 7 for us woohoo! I've done perfect and eve had endure a wedding reception and dinner at my mom's house but I planned ahead and brought food with me. I know I'm losing inches or weight because my clothes are more loose, yay! I feel amazing inside. Hope you all are doing well!

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