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Starting tomorrow, June 27th! Looking to heal my life after spending years as a caregiver!


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Hello everyone! 


My name is Rachael and after going back and forth after several days, I decided to commit myself starting tomorrow! I want to do this because I am classically, one of those people who finds it much easier to take care of other people than to look after my own needs.


Two years ago, less than a year after we were married, my husband was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. It was the worst  time of my life and is still incredibly hard some days. Our lives were completely shattered and as we have started to heal, we are finding all the things that we pushed to the side in our attempt to just get through. Our eating habits, finances, working out, cleaning the house. When each day is a struggle to get through, your only concern is what is right in front of you. (How many MRI's do we have this month? How are we going to pay for that? What if he can't walk?) Now that things are leveling out (for now, MS is notoriously an unpredictable asshole), I am finally to a place where I am starting to look at myself. I am 29 but feel like a 60 year old in so many ways. I need to eat healthier to take back control, to ride my road bike again, to feel good in a bikini, to heal my depression and anxiety. (And to be there strong and healthy for my husband if the worse comes again - see? There's that focus on other people thing again, but it's hard to part from that). 


Thank you for your support! If anyone wants to join me as a buddy in this journey, let me know!



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Good for you, I wish you luck. I am on Day 27 and this forum has been a wonderful source of support for me. Since the Whole30 site is doing an "official" sponsored Whole30 starting July 1st, there will be TONS of people starting in a few days!! I would highly recommend you jump on one of the "Starting July 1st" threads and join in with them!! It is SO so so great to have a Whole30 family, people on the same (or close to the same) day as you, going through the same ups and downs. The first few weeks were a bit rough for me, but now I am doing pretty great! SO glad I did this, and you will be too!! Good luck!

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Thanks Vozelle and Lisa!! I appreciate the support :) The book was so true - today I felt so smug and invincible! Annnnddddd then I just saw the sprinkles in the pantry while I was looking for a spice - waaaaaaaaahhhhh!  :( First sugar craving! Maybe I am not so immune after all, haha! I literally just wanted to down the whole thing. Eeek!

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