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staying strong after starting over on June 12


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I originally started on May 28 but my job in a bakery proved harder than I thought to stay compliant and I ended up having to start over on June 12 after a 2 day binge. I loved the folks on my original start date thread however and we all agreed I could continue posting there. Now they are almost done and I am on my own. If anyone wants to post here after having to start over feel free. I will be here. Posting keeps me on track and honest!

I start my new position in the produce dept of Whole Foods on Monday so no more bakery for me!!

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Hi SueBee

I dont blame you If never be able to work there either Lol

Yes I've restarted after Day 26 in May and

After Day 21 in June not fun but necessary

I'm still with my original people from May so I'm not restarting until 7/5 to get 30 straight days of compliant no interruptions then reintro 8/5

It's been a learning experience and I'm not going back to the old way of eating There's so much help here Those NSVs have shown up and I'm not quitting now

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It is so nice to see you guys here! Going well for me; I really enjoyed my 3 day weekend. Back to work tomorrow and the start of a way less stressful work environment. Now I just have to stay away from all that fruit lol.

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Horrible cramps this morning and it is so gloomy outside all I want to do is stay in bed :(

On the bright side I just figured out how to turn on my icons!  bbcode mode was on; whatever that means :P


Have a great day everyone.

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Hi LIsa.  It has been a long week and I picked up an extra shift so I could work on the 4th so I will have a short weekend.

 I have decided that I am not going to be doing the Whole30 anymore.  I am going to eat mostly the same but I am really missing some things and I feel like I have been doing this since April with just a few days off.  I feel really strong and like a baby bird I feel it is time to leave the safety of the nest.  I know I could have completed the 30 days for posterity sake but I decided it felt right for me.


If you want to keep posting I feel like it would be a good way for me to stay on track and connected but I understand if you don't want to since I will be enjoying a few paleo treats here and there.  

Regardless I wish you the best and hope you reach your goals- I know you can! :D

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