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Starting July 20th! Who's with me?


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I started my first whole 30 on March 1.  The first week was not terrible since I have been dabbling with Paleo since October.  I was accustomed to the food and balance.  My main problem in life is being weak minded and never following through.  So the whole30 was a giant obstacle that I wanted to tackle to prove to myself that I am capable of overcoming my own mind. 


We found out that we were expecting our first child on March 5. I was still dedicated.  Still eager to win.  By day 7, the nausea came.  The only thing I could think about was grits.  So my first whole30 ended up being a whole6.  During my first trimester, the only thing I could force myself to eat was bread, grits, or a sour cream vehicle.


Now I am 21 weeks along and ready to give this another go.  The sickness is gone.  I don't have cravings (besides pickled jalapenos).   


We have a week long vacation at the beach starting July 11.  I'd love to start sooner.  But I know me and do not want to set myself up for failure by committing to a whole30 while on vacation! 


Any other pregnant ladies out there doing a whole30?

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