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My name is Lizzy and I am planning on starting my whole30 nutritional reset on Tuesday July 14th. I have engaged in multiple fad diet plans and I realize these are not a real fix to the problem of my food, especially my sugar, addiction. I am the kind of person who can overdo anything (and most likely will) and food has been a huge problem for me since I was a child. I am starting this program with my little sister and my husband in order to get as much support as possible and I sincerely hope it will lead me into a new way of thinking about food so I can leave my dangerous eating habits, and passionate love/hate relationship with the scale behind.


Paleo style eating was first brought to my attention after trying some natural approaches to treating my clinical depression and decided to try a lifestyle free of gluten. I improved markedly after making this change and I really believe I function best if I stay away from grains and dairy. I am excited to begin this journey and I know I can make great strides if I stick to it. 


Thanks everyone!

Lizzy Seamons

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Hi Lizzy,

I am planning on beginning my Whole30 on the 15th. A long time ago (and far far away), I participated in an online eDiets community while changing my eating habits (and losing weight) and I knew I would miss that support this time around. So, I looked to the forums for support and saw you were beginning on the 14th, and I thought we could support each other. Good luck to you. Maggie

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