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My 1st Whole30.... life on the Dirt Face Diet


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OK so I decided to do this thing....

I had basically been eating a paleo style for a few month's and I've decided to take the plunge and go for this. There's some other factors too, like it forces me to quit smoking, stop drinking and I told my doctor look I'm going to stop taking these meds and do the Whole30 (he was cool with that).

My recent diet was OK, I'd describe it as poultry and pastries. I cook at least one whole chicken a week make up a good salad to take with me to work and eat that. Then as needed I'd augment that with sugar fixes of doughnuts, apple fritters and cinnamon buns when the urge struck me. I have come off of high fructose corn syrup in the past year and have generally been eating better, all though I do have a love for waffles with ice cream and syrup for breakfast. So more or less I ate fairly well but there were still plenty of skeletons in my closet.

I gave myself 2 weeks to psyc myself into it. 2 weeks from when I learned that the Whole30 existed until it would start Sept 1. That got pushed back a few days so I could sync day one with starting my work week and get my final dance with all of my vices out of the way.

To be continued ...

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