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Starting July 20th! Looking for pre workout snack ideas.


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Hi everyone!  My husband and I are both starting the Whole30 on Monday, July 20th.  We did some grocery shopping and meal planning today and are really excited to get started.  I was wondering if anyone had good pre workout snack recommendations.  We both workout around 4:30am-5am during the work week.  I typically eat half a banana just before working out but noticed that the Whole30 recommends no fruit as a pre or post workout snack.  Fruit is normally my go-to especially before and after my morning runs.  I know hardboiled eggs are a popular choice but since so many of the breakfast options include eggs, I wanted to see if there were some other ideas?  Maybe a handful of almonds or cashews?  Any suggestions would be really appreciated!  

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You don't have to have eggs for breakfast. Start thinking about breakfast as Meal 1, and you can eat any protein, veg and fat that you'd have at any other meal during the day.

And yes, a hardboiled egg is the most common pre wo recommendation, as it fits the recommendation of protein and fat (white being protein, yolk is a fat). Nuts are a fat on a Whole30, so if you paired it with a protein, that would work.

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