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Count Shawie In! (July 27 - August 27)


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DAY 1:

"It Starts With Food" is a fantastic book.  I borrowed it from the local library.  They have a 3 week loaning period so that will be perfect.  My only hesitation with doing this challenge is that I didn't want to waste our current food inventory.  Yesterday my husband agreed to finish our current stock over the next couple of months so I can go ahead and be selective with my food. :) I imagine this would be difficult with kids but at least for now it's just me and him.  


This morning (6:30AM) I had two eggs with spinach and two cups of coffee.  It is now 10:04AM and I'm thinking of having my lunch early. I plan on eating chicken and broccoli. We are totally out of fruit so I need to hit up the grocery store today.  I'm glad there is this forum available for us because I'm not sure if I can rely solely on the book. lol


Anyway, let me see what discussions I can dive into now.  See you guys around!

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Hi Shawie, 

I just started my first Whole30 yesterday. I've been reading/posting in the group that started July 20th as there are more people there, feel free to check that discussion thread as well. 

I haven't read "It Starts With Food" though I've seen it referenced several times. I'm using their Whole30 book to guide me but as you said, it's easier to have real people to connect with for support. 

Hope you're hanging in there and that your lunch ties you over until dinner! I find that's my current struggle - dealing with hunger...or at least, what I think is hunger...? haha, it's been awhile since I've actually felt hunger. Interesting. 



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DAY 1:

"It Starts With Food" is a fantastic book.  I borrowed it from the local library.  They have a 3 week loaning period so that will be perfect.  My only hesitation with doing this challenge is that I didn't want to waste our current food inventory.  Yesterday my husband agreed to finish our current stock over the couple of months so I can go ahead and be selective with my food. :) I imagine this would be difficult with kids but at least for now it's just me and him.  


This morning (6:30AM) I had two eggs with spinach and two cups of coffee.  It is now 10:04AM and I'm thinking of having my lunch early. I plan on eating chicken and broccoli. We are totally out of fruit so I need to hit up the grocery store today.  I'm glad there is this forum available for us because I'm not sure if I can rely solely on the book. lol


Anyway, let me see what discussions I can dive into now.  See you guys around!

Hi Shawie - when eggs are your sole protein you need as many as you can hold in your hand (for most people that is 3-4 large or extra large eggs). Also make sure you're getting enough fat and veggies at each meal. Depending on how you cooked your eggs, the cooking fat may be left behind in the pan so you may need to add an additional source. My personal fave is 1/2 an avocado. Upping both protein and fat a touch will keep you full 4-5 hrs which is what you're looking for.


It's a great book, isn't it? :D

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Ugh... so I'm back to Day 1.  I should have known better than to eat something that wasn't on the list.  Yesterday I found out that green peas are legumes!  ShannonM816 pointed this out to me.  Which I am really grateful because I want to do this right!  So slight setback but it's all good.  Next time I am asking if something is not on the list.  (Sorry if I get annoying!) lol



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I started today too.  Does your library have the Whole30 book that came out in April?  This is the one I am using to guide me.  I never read It Starts With Food.  We can do this!!! :)


I will have to see if my library has Whole30.  It Starts With Food was an amazing read.  I'm keeping it for as long as I can. lol

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  • 5 weeks later...

Wow I am on Day 29.... 


Positive thoughts:

  • Looking in the mirror my face seems to be less pudgy. lol 
  • My arms are a little more defined (still flabby but I know if I start working out they'll be toned soon especially if I keep eating right at least 90% of the time)
  • My jeans/shorts no longer require me to lay on the bed to zip up and my buttons aren't threatening to pop out on me
  • I like wearing tank tops again as they are not showing my "rolls" as much. haha
  • My boobs are smaller (which is fantastic because I can wear my old bras again)
  • My abdominal area is starting to take shape (again, if I keep eating right and start working out I know I can maintain/improve this area)
  • My hair seems longer?  I will have to take an after photo and compare haha
  • As for my butt... well, I need to hit the stairs and squats to improve that area!

My favorite part of the Whole30 is not having the same mentality like "hmm... what should I eat?" but it's more like "OH MY GOD it's almost MEAL 2 and I haven't cooked my chicken yet!" lol  Seriously, I mean, I've always LOVED food but now it's more like a priority and I'm really starting to think of my meals as... what would give me the nutrients I need to get through until my next meal?  As opposed to "hmm.. what sounds good?" I mean, the fact that my food have been DELICIOUS is absolutely a bonus.  I don't want to be a zombie any more and just go for the latest appetizing commercial on TV where flavor is OVERKILL and nutrition is compromised. 


I've gotten so used to throwing my simple meals together... I'm kind of afraid of the next step: the reintroduction.  I've got the basic idea of how it's supposed to work... reintroduce myself to "regular foods" but in increments with specific groups (e.g. legumes, grain, dairy, etc).  I'm not going to lie, I'm kind of scared it's like meeting someone for the first time - not really sure what to expect. haha


I know that everyone is different and that your plan of a reintroduction may not be the same as mine just like how I may react to certain foods while you don't.  I read that if I don't particularly like a certain type of food then I probably shouldn't even touch it again (e.g. red/kidney/pinto beans).  What I'm really looking forward to is Tiramisu, chocolate glazed donut, ice cream, mushroom cheese burger, and 1lbs. The Boiling Crab Shrimp. (Not at the same time or even day of course). I haven't created a game plan yet and I SHOULD.  In fact, I made a pact with myself that I am to keep eating like I'm still on the whole 30 until I get a solid plan down for the reintroduction phase.  I don't want my 30 days of good food to go to waste. It's time to get intuned with my body and learn what it doesn't/does like.

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