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A's Whole30 Log


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I've stopped and started the Whole30 six times now - never accruing more than six days before I go off the rails. While I appreciate the tough-love approach of the Whole30, I'm starting to feel defeated, rather than inspired, by it. As ISWF has reminded me, 30 days of eating healthy isn't that hard in the grand scheme of life's struggles, so maybe my failure to make it past six days of Whole30 eating is a reflection of my personal failings (lack of work ethic, lack of commitment, lack of willpower). But I don't want to give in to that slippery slope of sadness. Hence, I'm getting on these forums to give this Whole30 a seventh go. 


Here are a few of the reasons that I want to commit to the Whole30:

(1) I want to stop using food emotionally. If I want to avoid an uncomfortable social situation; if I'm feeling bad about myself and want to escape; if I'm feeling overwhelmed about work, school or the future; if I'm feeling ugly and unloveable, I use food. And every time I do that, I get a five-minute high - and then I feel infinitely worse.

(2) I want to stop feeling so anxious about working out. I'm in a cycle of eating poorly and then exercising because I feel guilty. I want to exercise for the sheer joy and health of it, not because I'm running off my food choices.

(3) I want to stop feeling puffy eyes the morning after eating sugar, sucking in the bloat in my belly, having belches/farts/cramps..

(4) I want to stop breaking out because of the foods that I eat.

(5) I want to have energy: I hate being in the crash-energy cycle.





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Whilst I get that whole30 is not hard compared to some things (it isn't a patch on labour for example, or serious illness) it IS hard. It is hard to eat completely contrary to what our society and everyone around us is eating. It's hard to fly in the face of medical and nutritional advice we have been spoon fed for 35+ years. I've done 5 and am in the middle of a whole73 and yet I still find it hard sometimes (plus I've had false starts too)

So no, it is not you failing, it has been you doing mini practice runs...

Seventh time the charm

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Completed Day 1. My problem has been, and will always be, snacking - I've been eating like six mini-meals instead of three big ones. Working on that today. ALSO, NO MORE GRAPES. They are my Kryptonite! As long as they're in the fridge, they are my go-to mindless snack.


1. Pre-walk snack: 1 piece of steak + handful of grapes

2. Post-walk breakfast: Three eggs + zucchini noodles + coconut oil (in pan) + hot sauce + iced coffee

3. Snack: Handful of grapes + spoonful of almond butter

4. Lunch: chicken breast + almond flour tenders

5. WOD

6. Post-WOD snack: Bowls of grapes + two small pork beef meatballs

7. Dinner: 6 meatballs + sweet potatoes + white potatoes + roasted brussel sprouts + grapes

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