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Starting August 20th, round 2!


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Hey, ya'll!  My friend Syd, who I met doing this program, and I completed the Whole30 end July, my first time, her second! We found it so great, that we decided to put on on our big girl patties and have a go again. If you'd like to join us, if you're starting tomorrow, please feel welcome here.This is a place to get it done, do what we say we're gonna do. 


Syd, I hope you've found this post, please "like" it and join it so we can be in sync. 


Let's go, let's get on with being healthy and working with these people and this wonderful program.


Hugs, Kelli, aka "Gracie 35"

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Okay dokes, folks, Day one off to a great start.  3mile walk, yummo eggs, and now making the gazpacho (should have done that last night so I could have with Brekkie.)


Feels good to be back in the saddle again.  Weigh in was 164 yesterday, I have very modest goals this time, weight wise.  My goals are more around trying to make different foods in the Whole30, so I can round out my repertoire. Heading to grocery store today to stock on a few things.  Since that last round I earned that dairy makes me cough and wheezy, clearing throat, stuff. Yuck. So coffee is still black, and I am used to the no dairy menu.  Grains and cookies make me bloated, and gas-y!  Double yuck.  So they're out too, except special occasions.


I added wine back and some beer, although the beer gives me a BIG headache now, so I think that's on the permanent don't need it anymore list. And wine, my nemesis.   Grateful to be in round 2, because I can really see what happens to be energy and health when wine is re-introduced. I will commit to trying the special drinks in the Whole30. 


Okay, who's with me?  How're you doing? K

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Hey, Kelli! 


Happy to be back again!  I really didn't add much back on a permanent basis except wine and that's  been gone again for 3 days.  I'm down 2 more pounds from the end of our last round for a total of 12.  I know this isn't a weight loss program but it really is the only program that I've adopted that keeps weight off me.  Since my W30 round 2.5 years ago, I'm down a total of 25# and am thrilled! 


I really just like the way I feel when I'm doing this program.  I want to be as healthy as I possibly can and get a grip on the wine thing.  And yes, I do love the weight loss.


We decided to start another forum because we like that moderators occasionally post on it and we like that input. 


Join us. We are sort of seasoned veterans ~ :-)  and we love company!



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Hi Syd, and anyone else reading, welcome.


How are you doing?  Today was busy here, and all is still going very well on my end.  One of the things that saves me is the gazpacho recipe.  I've made it over and over, and love it.  This weekend I'm branching out, though, I'd like to try the sunshine sauce, which seems like a lot of people love !


Salads, ugh.  Syd, I get so bored with salads, that's why the cauliflower recipes and the kale salad are also next up on my list to try.  How was your Friday?  All good on your end? Getting any exercise in? I know you work at the restaurant so that's got to be tiring.  


I'm beat, heading to bed. 

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Hi Kelli and Welcome Chrissy!


Hang in there, Chrissy!  You are off to a great start!  It's amazing what our bodies have put up with for so long.  You will be tired and cranky but not for long!  Drink lots of water.  Do you have the 2 bibles...oh, I mean books? :-)  Even though you can do the program with just the website, the books are such a great resource and explain so much!


It's Sat morning and I didn't have such a great Friday.  Not bad, just didn't eat dinner (working and really busy).  That changes today.


I have been eating a lot of salads, Kelli.  I think it's partly because most of it is free from our garden (can't argue with the economics) and I love the dressings I've been making from the Well Fed cookbooks.  I know vegetables are a big part of this program and salads are the perfect solution for me.  I've also been experimenting with different nut oils (I need to check these out on the 'Can I have' page) drizzled over the salad followed by balsamic vinegar.  Easy when I don't want to take more time.


NO. I'M. NOT. EXERCISING.  What the heck is wrong with me???  I did just order some DVD's from Prevention.  A 10 minute wonder workout.  Probably only if you use it.  Stay tuned. 


We are having company.  Arriving this evening, leaving Wednesday.  Shouldn't be a problem.  I have Mon/Tues off.  Really looking forward to that.


Chrissy, how do you like to cook?  Do you like involved meals or simple?  With this program, the sky's the limit on what you can cook.  I like simple.  Grilled meat, roasted vegie, salad or fruit or 2 roasted vegies.  And how are you for exercise?  I hope better than me!!!


Kelli, I'm sure you're off hiking somewhere ~ take a couple extra steps for me?  Thank you!!! 


Hope you both have a great day!!!  I'll check in again sometime tomorrow!



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Hi there!  How was your day?  Mine was good, but bug-y. I think I just came in with at least five mozy bites. Yikes.


Today I cooked up some steak and made pesto to go on it.  Delicious.  Tomatoes are still rocking good, and I eat them straight up with a little salt.  Took a break from eggs today, that was good because the egg thing can really get boring. Need to branch out and try new things.


So, just came back in from date number one, with man #2.  What a wonderful man! This dating thing is actually fun for the first time, probably because I am finally the person I want to be!!


Back to W30:  I'm staying strong on the program, and trying to figure out what's causing the hot flashes.  I do like spicy foods, and the tobasco in the eggs and the in the gazpacho and the jalapenos in just about everything else, seems to be the big culprit.  Also the literature says fat is a big no-no, too.  The program has had us shift to fat as a source of energy, I'm all on board with that, but the hot flashes are getting out of control.  So far today they were lite, and I cut out the spicy foods so maybe that's been what's made them come on more.


Syd, you've got company again!  Hang in there, that's always a challenge. 


Tired today, be well, Kelli

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Kelli!  I'm so sorry!  I didn't even acknowledge your 2nd 1st date!!!  OMG!  Sounds like you are having a great time!!  Good for you!  Excited to hear more.  I think Sophia Loren said it's important to feel good in your own skin.  I'm thinking you are feeling good in your own skin.  You go, Girl!!!



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So somewhere along the way, I lost a post that I thought I posted........to make a long story short.........I have to start this round over.  Too much company :-/

Hope you are still doing well and staying strong.  I'll catch up!


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Thanks, Kelli!  I am back on track and not going anywhere.  I know what happens when you beat yourself up too much about offroading.  Really trying hard not to do that anymore.  That's always just leads to further miseries and I don't want that!


I think I really need to treat this as my whole life, not just the whole 30.  I feel so good when I eat well and I know it's so much better for me!


How are you doing?  Hiking a lot?  What a great way to exercise!!


More tomorrow!


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Hi there,


How was today?  I broke down and weighed myself.  162.  So another 5 lbs gone, a very good showing I think, for me.  The biggest part is the monitoring of the off-roading as you said. I can off-road, and still be on target, maybe not on plan, but on target.  That means a ton to me. Knowing I won't dive face first into something!


Company gone, Syd? Can you believe the summer is almost over? Wow.  Have you tried any new recipes?  


Talk to you tomorrow, K

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Congratulations on your weight!!!  Don't you just feel great?  I am very, very excited for you!!!!


This whole off roading thing ~ I still can't figure out why I even do it?  If I remember correctly from It Starts with Food, the only real recommendation for adding back is dairy and even then, be careful.  I like that they gave us wine back in the Whole 30 book, but after that it's pretty much don't bother with everything else.  Remind me if my memory isn't serving me well.  I don't understand why I don't get that, because 9 out of 10 times when I off road, I feel LOUSY!!!  I mean, really not good!!!  What is it about me that allows this to happen?  Why do I keep trying to eat things that I know, truly know, aren't good for me????  I like feeling good.  Honest.  Thank you for reading my rant........


No new recipes lately.  I'm a rather simple cook.  We really don't get tired of grilled meat, salads and roasted vegies. Oh, I did make my mayo with basil and garlic recently and haven't made plain since :-)


Any news on the dating front?


More tomorrow!


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One more random thing.  Don't you wish the most recent posts were at the top instead of having to go to the very bottom of the page?  I'm sure you understand my meaning :-)  I think it might be time for bed!

Hugs to you, Miss Kelli!!

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One more random thing.  Don't you wish the most recent posts were at the top instead of having to go to the very bottom of the page?

When you view the threads listed in the forum, instead of clicking on the thread title, click on Today or the date under the name of the last person who posted on the thread. That will bring you to the bottom of the thread.

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Hi Syd, Looks like the moderators don't want us to post in this section if we've off-roaded.  We may be moved to another section. I'm not inclined to keep posting here any more any way, how about you? It just wasn't the same after we finished the first Whole30.  Do you think we should keep up with each other over our emails instead, I'd like to do that!


Off-roading - I didn't get that everything is pretty much off limits, but I did get that we have to take cues from our bodies. Sugar and me, no-no! Dairy and me, no-no. I can have a little bread once in awhile, and the various treats.  Wine is still my treat, and we've discussed that one. Right now the biggest insight I have is the proportionate amount of protein, (chicken, meats, etc), that I'm eating.  It's a little too much in comparison to the veggie intake.  So I'm working on more veg less protein.


I'm glad we're still supporting each other and you can rant any time you like!


Dating - I will save for the private emails! Hugs, Kelli

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