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My First WHOLE 30 Brunch


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I just had to share. 


I made brunch for 6 people yesterday.  The meal was 100% WHOLE 30 compliant and I wanted to share the email I just received from my friends (they are visiting getting their daughter moved in and settled for college this Sept): 


"lunch was amazing and so healthy.  It kept us full until 9 PM when we took our dinner break ...Let me know how things go with your 30 day diet.  It sounds like it's making such a difference already."


And the person who sent this email is a doctor...which made what she said extra sweet.


FYI, Brunch consisted of scrambled eggs, sweet potatos, smoked salmon, roasted cauliflower and broccoli, big salad w/mixed greens, tomato, cucumber, carrots and avocado w/EVOO and balsamic vinegar.

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