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I started 9/8. I am on day 3


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I also started Tuesday..a few headaches as well.  I have a friend doing the whole 30 with me so that is helping! I am horrible at posting in these forums, but I thought you might want to know you are not alone. I have only completed 1 whole 30 last year...I have started others, but not with full commitment in my head.  This time though I am committed.  I am getting the daily emails and checking in with my friend.  

Stay strong vibes are being sent to all of you whole 30ers out there!

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Day 4 here we come!..I'm not worried about today..for me the work week is easy because I am busy..its the weekends that tend to be hard for me.  I will be grateful for a little extra time to plan some better meals.  Right now it is hard boiled eggs, fresh veggies , salmon and halibut......we got this.

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Day 5!  Still eating compliant but haven't been to the store so meals have been pretty standard. Living on eggs, canned salmon, avocado, nuts, sweet potatoes and tons of fresh cut veggies. Going to try to do a slow cook pork carnitas recipe I found  for tomorrow night's dinner.....

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Day 7 for me and I am feeling confident I can do this.  Monday blues for me..I love my job, but love weekends better.  I finally went shopping so I have a dinner plan for the week.  Breakfast and lunch during the work week for me is pretty standard...My goal for the week is to eat more vegetables at breakfast in place of my plum. I am going to cut down from 2-3 fruit servings a day to 1-2. I want to make sure I kill sugar cravings.  Dreary day here in AK, but at least it was a beautiful fall day for a hike yesterday.

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I started on September 8th as well!  I'm doing very well so far.  The weekends are hard!  Especially with football!  We even had a party yesterday, but I did survive and feel great today about it.  I made sure I had plenty of whole30 approved food there for me to eat.  Day 3 was the worst for me so far.  Good luck everyone! 

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Day 10!  !/3 of the way.....feeling strong...the work week is easy to stay compliant for breakfast and lunch.  I have found that my evening cravings have been strong this week.  It is rainy and dreary here so I have been feeling sorry for myself that I can't eat ice cream with my family.  I did try frozen mangos with a little coconut milk on them.  That was delicious..so it helped cure my blues.   I made some pulled chicken this week in my crock pot and a batch of soup which has really made managing food this week much easier.  I do not have tons of time, energy, or desire to spend hours in the kitchen...so I am living proof you do not have to cook fancy to eat whole 30.

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It is day 13 and the weekend! Looks like I am the lone soldier in this thread, but I want to keep posting since it helps me with accountability.   Ho Hum.  I still feel strong, as in I committed to this whole 30 and I'm going to make it.  I feel just like the timeline said..day 10 and 11 were hard...I can see how some people would quit.  11 days seems long when you have eliminated so many food choices, but I know in reality it is not that long.  I have not noticed any big changes except sleeping is easier and waking up clear headed. I am finding cravings, especially at night are getting less. I think I feel my body changing a little too. I have not been on the scale because I do not want to know.  I know if I continue to make the good food choices the weight I want to lose will follow in time.


This week I stuck to my goal of eating less fruit, too make sure I am killing the sugar dragon.  I did find myself a couple of nights hanging frozen mangos and coconut milk.  It really is a great end of the day treat.  I have been eating it with my dinner so as to not train my brain that is is dessert.


Next week's goals are to try and exercise more.  I go for a hike (dog walk in the mountains) most days.  I need to try some strength workouts.  I want to set a goal for yoga twice this week. Also I am a librarian so eating meal 1 &2 at certain times is tough.  I do not feel like eating a big meal when I wake up so often I wait until I get to work at 8.  Sometimes it is 10 when I have a break and then eat meal 1.  Therefore am not hungry at lunch and meal 2 is put off until 2 or 3. (or I find myself grazing one tupperware  at a time (as time permits and not sitting down for a specific meal) throughout the day...(all compliant, but not 2 specific meals)  So this week eat meal one early. My new favorite meal 1 is (sweet potatoes, caribou sausage and apple)


Still not spending hours in the kitchen...so no great food recipe revelations..except you can do this whole 30 without prepping food for hours.  I do make sure I have a lll my food ready for the day so I don't find myself starving without any food choices. I did make two crock pot meals..(one pulled pork and the other chicken) this really helped.  In a pinch it is canned salmon for me...I have learned to love it with capers and mustard. 


Stay strong all you whole 30ers!

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Just signed up for the forum, but I also started on 9/8.  This last week & weekend were super tough.  We had a health scare in our family, and stress is ALWAYS my excuse to eat desserts.  I had an almost emotional reaction to not being able to eat and make myself feel "better". Then we had 2 special occasion events that were catered with a TON of fattening food and barely any compliant food (I had plain shredded lettuce and roasted chicken with no dressing at both events. ugh) On the plus side I have been doing a lot of cooking and have found some pretty fantastic recipes on Pinterest and in the Whole 30 book.


I was sleeping really deeply around days 9-11, and then the last few days I haven't been able to sleep.  Hoping I get that "Tiger Blood" payoff.  It does seem easier to stay on board, less of a battle.  I think my favorite thing so far has been realizing how I can improve the quality of food I give my family (even when I thought I was making good choices...sugar, preservatives, and other sneaky sneaks were finding their way into our meals), and also how to make better choices (don't need to eat bread, use fattening dressings, constantly reach for dessert).


I will say, I have gotten on the scale.  Twice.  Eek.  Couldn't resist.  Which says a lot about my obsession with that stupid number.

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I will say, I have gotten on the scale.  Twice.  Eek.  Couldn't resist.  Which says a lot about my obsession with that stupid number.


Please please please hide the scale for the duration of your Whole30.  Not weighing or measuring yourself is rule for many reasons.

Read this article if you need motivation on breaking up with the scale, and use this article to focus on non-scale victories as you go through the process. 

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