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Whole30 finished while breastfeeding


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In the last 2 years, I had 2 babies.  2 pregnancies.  About 20 lbs. from each pregnancy = 40 extra lbs. in just the last couple years.  And I wasn't skinny to begin with.  In the past, I would look to a combination of cutting calories, protein shakes, and lots of exercise to lose weight.  I didn't want to cut calories while I was still nursing knowing it would mess with my milk supply.  I didn't really want to use protein shakes because even during pregnancy I came to the realization that there are a lot of crazy ingredients in those things that I didn't really want to pass on to baby.  And exercise - did I mention, I have 2 babies at home?!?


Whole30.  Real food.  No counting, portioning, restricting (within the guidelines, of course).  I began wanting to stick to the plan and have just 3 meals a day and possibly a snack, but by Day 4 my milk supply was dropping.  I had felt hungry but wasn't trusting my body AT ALL.  I began snacking.  Some days, like when my daughter hit her 6 month growth spurt, they were really extra meals.  Sometimes 4, sometimes 5 of them.  But other days 3 was enough, and I just tried to be sensitive to hunger and do the best I could.  By Day 8 my milk supply was back to normal and wasn't an issue again.


I didn't have a 'perfect' Whole30.  I didn't keep every meal or snack portioned perfectly, but I tried.  Some ingredients snuck in because I just didn't have the energy or time to search out something better (sugar in bacon, bad oil in salad dressing).  I just tried not to eat those things very often.  I feel like I had a very 'real life, busy life' experience.


I feel good.  Not tiger-blood, jumping from my seat to conquer the world good, but balanced.  My emotions feel about 20x more stable.  I'm calm.  My cravings are under control.  I went into Starbucks (my weakest spot when we started) last week and wasn't even tempted.  I sleep more soundly and wake up in the morning ready to go instead of dragging myself out of bed at the last minute.  Even when I don't get as much sleep as I wish, it's better, more restorative.  


Day 31 today.  20 lbs. lighter.  2 inches off my waist alone (I may stop looking like I'm still pregnant here in another month or so).  I am continuing on.  I'm sure there will be 'treats' along the way, but the big treat is being a better mom for my kids who will hopefully have a longer, healthier life, and more time to be with them.

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I'm currently 8 months pregnant and started my Whole30 today! I figured if I start now, it wont be so tough once I have the baby, I'll already be in the swing of things. I will admit, I'm still so hungry after breakfast, but that's my fault because I woke up late and was only able to make scrambles eggs with black berries on the side instead of putting more veggies on my plate! Hopefully tomorrow is better. I'll be making a breakfast casserole tonight!

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Way to go! I also just finished my whole 30 and I'm breastfeeding my 9 month old. I feel like my supply maintained itself pretty well, I did have snacks too because I would get hungry. I lost 17 lbs and I'm super encouraged to continue eating this way and lose the rest of the 50 lbs from having my 2 babies

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