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Moved up my start date! 9/17 anyone??


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Today is now my Day1. I spent a week wrapping my head around everything, reading both books, exploring recipes etc. I was going to wait until the 21st, but suddenly I just felt ready so WHY NOT??

I have ditched wheat for the last week so

I guess you could say that I haved eased into the Whole30.

Cant wait to see/feel the improvements:)

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Hey, you two. I am IN with you. I am restarting after two waaaaayyyy too casual tries at doing my second W30. I am starting tomorrow on 9/18, so one day behind you. I've got your back.

My fav meal one? Massaged and lightly dressed raw kale with about one half of a sweet potato, one or two hard boiled eggs, avocado if I have it and ABSOLUTELY BLUEBERRIES.

Have a huge pot of beef bone broth in my slow cooker right now.

Let's keep it clean and gentle and 100%

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