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Salad dressing, nuts and more


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I have a start date of October 28. I went to Kroger today in hopes of finding Whole 30 compliant items without having to make a trek to Whole Foods or Trader Joe's (both easily 40+ minutes away from my home/work). 


I was unable to find any Whole 30 compliant salad dressing. I was looking for Tessemae, but it must not be sold at the Kroger near me. Is there any other store bought salad dressing I can find that is Whole 30 compliant? I would prefer to buy rather than make my own. 


With that said, I may have to make my own. But I'm not a fan of generalized recipes with no specific amounts. I need a specific recipe that is easy and quick to make. Something simple. If you have one, please share! But please share with specific amounts :) 


I had trouble with finding Whole 30 compliant nuts (I am breastfeeding so I was planning on getting nuts to keep on hand for snacks). I found the brand Wonderful Pistachios. I read the ingredient list and it says "Pistachios." But I feel like sometimes the ingredient list is lying. Is this brand safe? 


Thank you for your help! 

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Do you shop online? You can buy Tessemae's dressing from their website


There are lots of compliant salad dressing recipes available.

- Check out theclothesmakethegirl.com (Melissa Joulwan's website: author of Well Fed and Well Fed 2). 

- this article has more
- this thread has more

(Easiest way to search the forum is from Google. Type Whole30 followed by whatever you're looking for, and you'll get links to past discussion threads.)

On the nuts and snacking, a couple things.
- the ingredients list rules on a Whole30, so if the ingredients list only says pistachios, you're fine
- nuts are a fat source on a Whole30 and are recommended to be used in limited quantities
- we typically recommend 4 meals a day for breastfeeding women
- if you end up genuinely hungry between meals (litmus test: you could eat something bland like steamed fish and broccoli), the recommended snack is a mini meal of protein, carb and fat, or at least two of those components. Avoid snacking on nuts alone.

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