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The second time around


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I've been meaning to start for a few days, but small things have popped up to thwart me ("I just mindlessly ate that piece of breaded chicken out of the refrigerator? Whoa." Or. "I bought this corn on the cob. I'm not wasting it.") Time for a wake up call! I did pretty clean both of the previous days. I figure that has to help with the whole cleansing thing, even if it doesn't official count.


Now it's time to get serious and careful.


Yesterday's meals:

B: Small sweet potato with egg and ghee

L: Avocado and broiled chicken breast

D: Salad with chicken breast, roast peppers, and roast corn.

Snack: A handful of macadamia nuts, some left over roast zucchini w/ balsamic


Now, onto a roaring day #1... 

B: Salad with lemon garic vinagrette, roast pepper and chicken breast

L: Salad with lots of chicken breast, walnuts, grape tomatoes, and vinagrette

D: Pan seared zucchini, tomato sauce, meat balls

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Yesterday went great. Can not under estimate the importance of having the right foods on hand at the right time-- that is a lesson learned on my first Whole30, last year.


I did not weigh before the 30 days started and I don't know if that was a mistake or not. I feel like the scale isn't a very accurate way of being accountable anyway, and although I do have (a lot of) weight to lose, I really am not doing this for that reason. I am doing this because I have kind of spiraled out of control with the junk food and fast food lately. I have been craving vegetables so much lately that I knew it was time to get back to the basics.


Day #2, today's plan:


B: Sweet potato, avocado, chicken breast

L: Green pepper stuffed with ground beef/pork, baby carrots in ghee, sweet potato, avocado.

D: Grilled chicken breast, roasted asparagus, salad with vinaigrette

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Day #4 already! Everything is going great. Yesterday, I was a little moody, had a little headache, but by last night I felt better.


Giving up the caffeine hasn't been as bad as I feared. I was not super addicted anyway, but it's nice to not be dependent on it.


Yesterday's meals:

B: Meat loaf portion, sweet potato, grilled chicken

L: Avocado, zucchini noodles, meat loaf portion

S: Ground beef and veggie stew


Today so far:

B: Sweet potato, egg, avocado

L: Ground beef and veggie stew

S: Salad greens, italian chicken (chicken simmered in herbed tomato sauce), roasted zucchini and squash

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Day #9 is here! Almost a third of the way through...


Yesterday was a bit challenging because I was off-site from work most of the day. My lunch was in the office, but I wasn't in the office. I sustained with some raw cashews I had with me in the car and, thankfully, I ended up not being very hungry.


I guess what most surprised me was not that I essentially had to skip lunch, but that when I went home and ate dinner, I did not overeat. I would normally have been ravenous and eaten everything in sight. I didn't even eat right away when I walked in the door. I sat down, unwound for a few minutes, and then started prepping a healthy chicken thigh dish on the stove. I ate dinner and then didn't eat anything else all evening. I could have incorporated a few more veggies, but I was full enough -- not too full--  and comfortable. I think this was a victory, for sure. Over-eating has always been my struggle. I can eat healthy foods all day and not get tired of them, it's finding the satiety and mindset where I don't have to eat constantly to be satisfied.

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Day #11. I feel a little bit stuck the last few days because I haven't been cooking up a storm like I was. I'm eating compliantly, just not a whole lot. It's all good. I plan to get back into full swing this weekend.


We went out to dinner last night, which always gives me a mild panic attack when I'm doing this plan. I was very careful. The restaurant was super accomodating. But the meal, for what was available on the menu, was indeed super boring. A hamburger with veggies and a side salad. It was delicious and it was nice to not have to cook a meal, but... boring.


I was able to get to Whole Foods yesterday and picked up a couple more Tessamae's dressings. I was excited to see that the ranch flavor one was available-- word of caution: This is NOT ranch dressing. It's not horrible, but it's NOT ranch dressing.

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Day 14! I'm surprised at how quickly I've normalized back to this way of eating and thinking. I say "thinking" because it really does take a different mindset-- you can't just coast through the day on autopilot. Maybe that part comes later.


Wife made a wonderful vegetable soup this weekend that continues to last through several meals. It's really the perfect combination of a TON of veggies and a bit of protein. She used the beef bone broth I made last weekend and that's why I think it tastes so wonderful. On top of a beautiful crisp weekend that was perfect for grilling, it was a nice easy few days.


I also made some spicy pumpkin seeds last night, but over baked them just a tad. Still delicious, but definitely burnt.

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Day #22: Still going! The food is starting to get a little monotonous, even though I am trying my best to have as much variety in vegetables and meats as possible. I would happy to just make a huge batch of food and eat it for every meal but, unfortunately, the family isn't as accomodating. So, that's the only difficult part now. I feel like even though they are not doing the plan and my wife isn't complaining at all, they're lacking variety that they're used to. Maybe I just feel that way because I'm used to cooking more variety for them. I don't know.


I'm keeping on keeping on. In the meantime, it's time to get more creative!

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Day 30! Yay!!!!!


I've been fighting a sinus infection since the weekend, trying to stave it off with lots of healthy foods and medicines. Have steered clear of the liquid medicines that contain sugar and sweeteners, even though I know they would work for the symptoms.


I've been surprised at how easy this time was for me. I guess a big trick is just avoiding eating out at restaurants if at all possible. I ate out twice during this 30 days and it was incredibly stressful to me to have to worry about other people preparing my food and what they might or might not have done to it.


My plan has been to start reintroduction so that I can be at a point during the holidays the next few months where I can regularly eat in a "relaxed Whole 30" way while still allowing a bit of indulgence at special occasions. I think an approach like this is manageable, maintainable, and realistic.

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Yesterday was 31 days. Woohoo!


Today, I decided to start reintroduction. I didn't feel like messing with it yesterday.


So, I'm stasrting with legumes. I really enjoy legumes and the first time I did Whole 30, I sort of skimped on the reintroduction part so I have no idea if there will be issues with peanut butter or black beans. I had a normal breakfast but was feeling hungry mid-day, so I ran to the store for some natural peanut butter and a banana. They were delicious together. :)


Planning a side of black beans or maybe a black bean chili for dinner.

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Legumes went well. I'm going to be frank here, but I've always been under the impression that legumes just make you gassy and just always accepted that as fact-- am I right?? "Beans, beans, the musical fruit" is a song for a reason! Well, at least we can confirm that is still true. Delicious but true.


I don't know for sure, but I suspect and may test later to make sure, that the peanut butter did not adversely affect me on that day. 


I then let two full days pass before moving on to non-gluten grains on Monday. I didn't have any for breakfast because there were none available in my house and I kind of planned that poorly. I had some gluten free corn chips and compliant salsa later in the day, a gluten free wrap for dinner with a side of corn. All this in addition to my regular Whole30 foods, of course.


No real adverse reactions from any of that yesterday or so far today. Tomorrow, it will be day number 37 and I will be testing dairy. I'm not sure yet what I want to test with on dairy. I certainly used to eat a lot of cheeses, but I'm liking that I don't miss them as much as I thought I would. I've thought about a coffee with cream, but I also like that I'm no longer missing my morning coffee so I don't want to start that up again right now. (Although... red Starbucks cup!) I believe I may have a sesitivity to goat cheese, so I won't try that. More thought is needed.


I also get my annual blood work done tomorrow morning. I purposely scheduled it after my Whole 30 to give my doctor the best possible numbers. I am curious what they would have been before and after, but I wasn't willing to spend the money to test two times in a year.

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Dairy was the order of the day yesterday. I had to fast for bloodwork in the morning, but then enjoyed a slice of white cheddar on a chicken breast and some butter and sour cream on a baked potato for lunch, also some cottage cheese at lunch. A bit of cheese with dinner.


Had a little bit of reaction around midday, but that passed and nothing since.


I would like to reintroduce goat cheese separately since I believe the last time I did this that I had a major reaction to that. It's hard to say because I sort of skimped on reintro last time, so it was either goat cheese or gluten. I was in pain for a few days.


I'll be good for two more days and then decide if I'm doing goat cheese or gluten for the next phase.

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Two important things from the weekend.


On Saturday evening, I made some pecans sprinkled with cocoa powder and cinnamon. I had not had any chocolate since starting this Whole30 and something in those ingredients made me itch. My face itched. My arms itched. I will have to experiment more to find out if it was chocolate or pecans. I haven't eaten a lot of pecans in the last month or so either.


On Sunday I reintroduced gluten, per my reintroduction schedule. It was glorious. A bagette, a pancake, flour tortillas... and then last night it all hit me and I was so uncomfortable. It was really unpleasant and I'm certain that I have at least a sensitivity to it. Sad, but at least I know what I'm dealing with. It was the worse food reaction I've had in the entire reintro.

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