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Day 7, starting to log Day 8 (Breastfeeding 2-year-old and 2-month-old)


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Quick thought of today, glad I didn't start logging today. Toddler sick with fever last night into today. Husband and I snappy, isn't that appropriate?! 


Post supper of meatballs and zoodles. I had a few handfuls of raisins, 2 hardboiled eggs and cold brew coffee with a giant jug of water.


I successfully avoided dried fruit earlier but I think I needed the carbs. I realized an addiction to kombucha and did not have any today. 

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L side of jar hurts incredibly. Tylenol with two small gelatin lakes gummies early a.m. while preparing supper for this evening; browning a beef roast from the co-op and putting into the slow cooker with carrots and onion. 


Water. Vitamins


Made 5 eggs, toddler and I usually share these. Salsa on mine. Not wanting a fat source this morning as the richness and taste from the ghee from my eggs is lingering. I may do some macadamia nuts, but I usually do an avocado.


Toddler has banana and eggs. The banana smells really good but I have hypoglycemic issues and I don't want to ride that rollercoaster so I bypass banana. 

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Homeschool playdate today. Fun times at the river.


Stopped at the co-op and picked up some apples, bananas, kombucha (eek!), larabars...


As we were on the road I had two larabars and an epic bar. 


Came home and saw the slow cooker was turned on but not plugged in. Joy. Will pick up an organic salt and pepper rotisserie chicken at Whole Foods after the Costco run.


Lunch is, two Applegate fire roasted red pepper sausages, potatoes, guac and salsa. 


We are low on veg and all things so a Costco run is in order followed by Whole Foods for supper, and need to get to the co-op and Trader Joe's.

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Rough evening. Costco shopping, done. I love looking into my cart now and knowing we are eating amazing food. I also miss the crappy Costco pizza. Yep.


Supper: Whole Foods Traditional Organic Rotisserie Chicken, their salad bar items and some yummy yam/ginger/apple mash from their deli. Also, leftover roasted potatoes. 


Cold coffee with coconut milk before the shopping escapade and after. Praying to get this kitchen clean. 


The (little) boys are asleep. DD is up and relegated to the living room so I may attempt to get something done. Yay! God help me!

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Lunch: uhhhh, what was lunch? Oh yeah, bacon and 2 eggs with watercress.


Coconut milk smoothie with strawberries and bananas. <---not Whole30 but I am breastfeeding two littles so, there ya' go


Epic bar (not a fan) and a few kale chips from Trader Joe's. Iced tea.


Supper: Pot roast from the previous failed attempt, carrots, tomatoes, and pickles. 


2 cups of cold brewed coffee with coconut milk. Water.

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Snack of carrot cake Larabar and 2 hardboiled eggs, water.


Snappy at the children today. I've been 'up' for two days with sick boy and am sick myself.


I just took some vitamins and tylenol... praying for healing and sleep for the whole family.

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Hi. You aren't eating enough food for a person, never mind a person breastfeeding 2 children, one of whom relies entirely on you for their nutrition. The fact that you are snacking on bars and drinking smoothies and feeling snappy proves this.

You need to revisit the meal template and prepare yourself a top end of template meal four times a day. Yes, four huge meals of protein, veg and fat. Heaping plates full. You can also sip a can of coconut milk through the day for extra fat, if you like the taste.

Seriously, eat more. Way more.

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Hi Hannalib, I am unsure as to what you are taking issue with. I appreciate you wanting to help though! I have a sick household so I am doing what I can to get by as well as continue eating at all ;) I hope you understand each post is usually a meal and snack, not my whole day of eating. The coconut milk idea was expanded upon as my throat was sore so I made it a smoothie to cool down my throat. I was snappy because I had been up for two days taking care of everyone while being sick myself. Thanks for suggesting more food though and I certainly agree :) Due to a previous surgery I may have to split that in 5 meals, but I appreciate your thoughts and concern :) Take care!



Supper last night: Grilled steak, grilled summer squash & onions, tomatoes, kombucha, coconut milk chai


Breakfast: 3 hardboiled eggs, strawberries, macadamia nuts and kombucha, water

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Lunch: was heading for the leftover whole foods salads and chicken but the salads were no longer edible so I had some chicken, two burger patties, guac and salsa, apple, water


TMJ so bad it hurts to eat the apple. Found a massage video to help with it, hoping it helps!

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What I'm saying is that if you can eat raisins and hardboiled eggs after your supper then you haven't eaten enough for supper - or likely for the whole day. Your breakfast today doesn't have any veggies with it. Eta nor does lunch unless it was a gigantic quantity of salsa ;-)

Appreciate the note that previous surgery might make it challenging to eat 4 large meals. But I still think you can and should up your overall intake in line with the meal template rather than plugging the gaps with larabars. Eat up!! We're all about the eating here, even more so when you are a nursing mama xx

My comments are meant in kindness btw, I hope you hear that.

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Yes, I totally agree. I am very much working on normalizing veg in the morning. Stick with me, it'll get better. And you are very right; lunch was supposed to have the salads until I saw they were too far gone and I had no time nor energy to do anything but the premade salsa. It has been an off few days due to the illnesses and such (you should see this house...). I do appreciate your feedback! 


2 bars, raisins, water (don't worry these items should be tapering down now that the child is healing up, but I see I could've added some lunchmeat here)


Supper (in honor of Hannlib ;) ): Crockpot roasted chicken, leftover grilled squash and onions with ghee, kombucha, water 


Bone broth is brewing in the crockpot. Ground beef jerky is drying the dehydrator and I am relishing being able to sit and type this. Cannot wait until I get into bed and so thankful for all that we have.



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Brekkie: 5 eggs, peppers (so hard to eat due to tmj, try to cook them next time), cold press w/ coconut milk, water, vitamins, Sudafed

I'll be really bummed if I have to follow AIP eventually but grateful there is help.

This house is a terror and I'll spend today cleaning. Made the Mexican tuna from the book last night for my husband and me today, excited for that!

Also, my drinking coffee without sweetener is nothing short of a miracle. I am impressed.

Have to take some Tylenol again for my jaw. Really hoping to find a chiropractor who is within financial reach and knowledgeable.

Found sugar-free bacon at Whole Foods! Happy family!

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Meal 2: Mexican tuna and pepper and cucumber, kombucha, water 

TMJ is making this whole meal hard to eat. I can't remember if I took the Tylenol so I took Ibuprofen instead. Forgive me if I post medication here, I think it's the only way I am going to remember if I took it.

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Super busy day!! Meal 2 is on the road.


Meal 2 (Hannalib, close your eyes ;) ): 2 Epic bars, 2 Larabars and handful of raisins


Snack: Banana and bacon


Meal 3: Leftover Chorizo, potatoes, peppers, kombucha, water


Meal 4: Beef stew, sweet potatoes and applesauce mixed topped with ghee and raisins, kombucha, water


I started online school today and noticed a snack attack happening. Happy to have noticed it and a definite area my brain needs retraining. 

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Meal 1: 4 eggs and sweet potato with ghee and cinnamon, water, tylenol and vitamins


First food dream. I think it was rolos?! Well, some caramel chocolate candy. I had eaten it without realizing it. It was sticky and got stuck between my teeth. Then I just kept eating. Oddly enough this came with other slightly scary things going on, also other shameful activities. It seems these correlate (shock ;) ).

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okay back on! typing one handed forgive poorly constructed sentences and misspelled words.


meal 3: 4 eggs, 1 bacon, tons of snap peas, cold brew with coconut milk.


noticed a strong urge to snack while doing school online. this habit/urge needs to be broken. 


i let the children go off plan at the orchard as i saw i was making my 5-year-old hate eating healthy with these major restrictions; she already was becoming aware, prior to whole 30, about the way foods make her feel. her friends eat well. we will see how this pans out. i struggle with this as my father was a 'healthy' eater (think skinless chicken breast with green beans every night) and an ass, so, i don't want her to look at food how i did. 

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Meal 4 last night: Steak (though I couldn't eat it, my TMJ is fierce and I ended up literally screaming after 3 bites), tons of roasted potatoes as they were soft enough, bit of coconut chips though they were hard to eat as well


Meal 1 today: 5 eggs. I cannot chew, even chewing the scrambled eggs is painful, so I made a smoothie and I realize smoothies are frowned upon but this is the only way I am getting my veg. It consists of coconut milk, kale, avocado, banana and apple. Water, Ibuprofen and vitamins.

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TMJ is calming down. I must seriously clench my jaw at night or hurt it very badly with the steak during supper. 


Meal 2: Bacon, eggs, some of the previous smoothie, peas


Meal 3: Mexican tuna salad, some of the previous smoothie, peas, lacroix water

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