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Reinoa427's Second Whole30


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Day Zero!


Time to clean the fridge and go over the grocery store sale flyers. I wanted to do my weigh in and measurements today but I can't find my measuring tape, oh well. 


Here are some starting stats!


Height: 5'4"

Weight: 248.5lbs

Pants Size: 20/22W

Shirt Size: 2XL

Band Size: 40


Well! That's my starting point. Looks like I am still down from where I started my last Whole30 (I was 256.5lbs on December 1st), so I didn't go totally hog wild over the last 3 weeks.


Whole30 completed successfully!


Here are my finishing stats!


Weight: 241.5 

Pants Size: 18w

Shirt Size: 1XL

Band Size: 38


I am pleased with the results and look forward to continuing on my journey to better health and wellness :D


Best of luck to everyone still fighting the good fight!

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