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Reinoa427's Second Whole30


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So, my first Whole30 ended after 20 days. I saw numerous improvements during that course of time, but I let life get in the way. I am excited to say I will be starting my second Whole30 on January 12th! My house will be back in order after finishing my basement, my crazy overnight schedule at work will be over, and it will be right after payday so that I can get everything I need to succeed! Until then I will be posting what went well the first time and what didn't, so that I can analyse and prep for take two!


Wishing everyone the best of their Whole30 journey!

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Here are the goals I have set for myself using the Whole30 template


Whole30 1/12/2016-2/11/2016 Goals


I will eat dinner at the table (no TV or devices) every night
I will eat breakfast everyday
I will turn off all devices one hour before bed
I will be in bed at least 8 hours before I have to wake up
Stress Management:
I will dedicate 20 minutes a day just for me (crochet, puzzles, meditating)
I will walk 30 minutes a day four times per week
Fun and Play:
I will play board games with my husband once a week
Personal Growth:
I will read two books this month (my new year’s resolution is to read two books a month)
I will sketch 3 times a week
I will not series binge on Netflix or Hulu 
I am sad I didn't see the goals list the first time I did Whole30, feeling a bit more prepped this time :)
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Good for you for doing a Whole30 and being so prepared! It's great that you're looking at your Whole30 in the context of your total lifestyle.

Those are great goals but it's perhaps not realistic to set so many for just 30 days! There was an article this week on Huffington Post that when we have a long list of resolutions, we unconsciously priortize one or two and ignore the rest. Why not just concentrate on one or two, or just focus on nutrition or sleep, e.g.

If you're interested, we have a Whole9 group started which will be focusing on each of those areas (nutrition, sleep, stress, etc) for a month starting this month. Some are doing Whole30 this month and others are fine tuning their nutritional choices. You're welcome to join us!


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Good for you for doing a Whole30 and being so prepared! It's great that you're looking at your Whole30 in the context of your total lifestyle.

Those are great goals but it's perhaps not realistic to set so many for just 30 days! There was an article this week on Huffington Post that when we have a long list of resolutions, we unconsciously priortize one or two and ignore the rest. Why not just concentrate on one or two, or just focus on nutrition or sleep, e.g.

If you're interested, we have a Whole9 group started which will be focusing on each of those areas (nutrition, sleep, stress, etc) for a month starting this month. Some are doing Whole30 this month and others are fine tuning their nutritional choices. You're welcome to join us!



Yeah, trying to set SMART goals can be difficult, but I think I am up to the task. I already do a lot of these things and I just wanted write everything down to make sure that I don't forget anything over the course of the month :D

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My first whole30 ended up being a whole20, but I did have quite a few successes!


  • By day 7 my depression up and left. The fog that shrouded all of my daily activities just dissipated, it was so weird feeling just plain happy
  • By day 8 I was falling asleep easily and waking up without hitting snooze
  • My period went from 8-9 day long to 6 days long
  • I lost 10lbs according to my doctor
  • My blood pressure went from 140/90 mmHg to 118/76 mmHg

I am so ready to get moving on my second whole30 and to see what amazing changes are in store for me! 

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Started prepping for Whole30 today. Made a trip to costco to pick up some bulk essentials, so I am feeling better prepared. Tomorrow or Monday I will pick up the rest of what I need to get started :D 


I am so ready to have a successful Whole30!!

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Started prepping for Whole30 today. Made a trip to costco to pick up some bulk essentials, so I am feeling better prepared. Tomorrow or Monday I will pick up the rest of what I need to get started :D


I am so ready to have a successful Whole30!!

I like that you've written down your goals, good luck in achieving them  :D

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Day Zero!


Time to clean the fridge and go over the grocery store sale flyers. I wanted to do my weigh in and measurements today but I can't find my measuring tape, oh well. 


Here are some starting stats!


Height: 5'4"

Weight: 248.5lbs

Pants Size: 20/22W

Shirt Size: 2XL

Band Size: 40


Well! That's my starting point. Looks like I am still down from where I started my last Whole30 (I was 256.5lbs on December 1st), so I didn't go totally hog wild over the last 3 weeks.

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Day One:


Today went pretty well all things considered. I had horrible insomnia last night, so that came back to bite me in the butt this evening (laid down for a nap and slept for 5 hours). Also, what I made for dinner didn't sit well with me and now I have a stomach ache... Need to find something compliant to help with that.


Food Log



1 cup chicken salad

1/2 cup pineapple





Leftover pork roast

1/2 roasted sweet potato

Brocolini - approx 2 cups

3 clementines




1/2 cup chicken salad



2 chicken apple sausages

1/2 sweet potato

1/2 onion

1 egg


Now that I am awake again I'll probably have some more tea, maybe that will calm my stomach. Overall not a horrible day one!

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Managed to get some sleep last night (finally). I also managed to hit my goals of getting in some quiet time, doing a quick sketch, and reading for a half an hour before midnight. Today is going okay so far, the only battle has been the fact that my menstrual cycle started yesterday and cramps are not fun. I'll update again with my food log after dinner tonight.

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Day Two Food Log:



1 cup chicken salad

1 banana




Spaghetti with zucchini noodles

Broccoli and cauliflower mix

3 clementine oranges




Salad with hamburger, tomatoes, bacon, avocado, walnuts, and cucumber 


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Made it through days 6 and 7, but I don't remember what all I ate. I am still not feeling as good as I did my first go round on Whole30, but it's probably due to not having as much time as I would like to dedicate to food prep and not eating as much as I should. Working on finding a good work life balance again, hopefully it'll all come together soon.  

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Made it through day 8, but I am still not feeling great. I did better making sure I ate enough yesterday but I am still have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. I haven't been able to eat a proper breakfast the last few days (today included) and I am sure that it not helping. At least I managed to eat about a 1/2 cup of chicken salad this morning. Payday is Friday and I'll be making sure to get what I need to make breakfast easier.


Any recommendations on how to improve sleep quality are very much appreciated. 

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Made it through day 8, but I am still not feeling great. I did better making sure I ate enough yesterday but I am still have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. I haven't been able to eat a proper breakfast the last few days (today included) and I am sure that it not helping. At least I managed to eat about a 1/2 cup of chicken salad this morning. Payday is Friday and I'll be making sure to get what I need to make breakfast easier.


Any recommendations on how to improve sleep quality are very much appreciated.

To think I had decades without insomnia! Those were good times. :-). Now, I follow my rituals, one of which is doing nothing in bed except sleeping and . . . listening to audiobooks. I enjoy relaxing in the dark (no blue light to disrupt sleep!) and usually drift off before my timer runs out. I do the same thing when I wake up from hip pain.

I haven't tried magnesium yet (Natural Calm) but a lot of people swear by it.

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Reporting in with a NSV! I had to go clothes shopping since some of my clothes were getting baggy and I went down a pant size and a shirt size!


I also had to break the rules and measure myself. I have started working on my costumes for comic con (yay!!) and had to know around where I was at so that I could buy fabric while it was on sale. But, since I don't know what my before measurements were, I am not worrying about it.

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