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Hotironskillet's Whole30


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Hello there! I just realized there was a place to write a log. What a great idea! 


I started my Whole30 on Monday. I'm a newbie to it, been reading up on it since August but kept putting it off and putting off because there never seemed to be a good time for it. Well, I went for it on January 3rd and I'm on day 3 now. Since I'm a couple days late starting this, I'll do a short recap.



Breakfast: 2 eggs cooked with spinach and olive oil, topped with homemade salsa and half an avocado, tea with lemon, coffee with almond milk

Lunch: wild salmon, homemade mayo (that wasn't really mayo but more like salad dressing due to a mayo fail), slivered almonds, grapes, and carrots with a tangelo on the side

Dinner: gazpacho with half an avocado and shrimp and an apple



Breakfast: 2 eggs cooked with spinach and olive oil, topped with homemade salsa and half an avocado, tea with lemon, coffee with almond milk

Lunch: wild salmon, homemade mayo (that wasn't really mayo but more like salad dressing due to a mayo fail), slivered almonds, grapes, and carrots with a tangelo on the side

Dinner: salmon and roasted veggies cooked in olive oil



Breakfast: gazpacho and scrambled eggs cooked in coconut oil, tea with lemon, coffee with almond milk

Lunch: leftover roasted veggies and "meatballs" (ground beef and garlic powder rolled together and cooked in olive oil) and a pear

Dinner: probably going to be Thai salad with shrimp or turkey


I'm feeling tired and cranky today on day 3. My kids thought I was cranky yesterday but I don't think they've seen anything yet.

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Day 4 of whole30. Woke up feeling yucky and not at all hungry but I had an egg with spinach and some warmed up leftover veggies. I had coffee with coconut milk today and after 4 days of coffee with almond or coconut milk I have determined that really all I like about coffee is the sugar and cream coffee flavor so I'm not going to bother with it anymore. My black tea, on the other hand, is still good with lemon instead of sugar and milk so I'll stick with that.


Lunch was leftover cold Thai salad with shrimp and a tangelo.


I'm starting to worry I'm eating way too much fat. Coming from a weight watchers background I've always limited fats due to their high point value but now I am eating avocados, nuts, coconut oil and milk, and olive oil all over the place which seems to keep me satisfied but also makes me feel a little wary of what I'm eating. Also, I'm not feeling really any bad symptoms. No carb flu, no more crankiness than usual, no more fatigue than usual. I hope I'm not doing anything wrong.


Probably stir fry with chicken and cauliflower rice for dinner tonight. 

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Day 5. Have been feeling nauseous since after dinner last night. I couldn't stand the thought of eggs or vegetables at dinner so I had frozen berries thawed up in coconut milk with cashews and grated coconut. It didn't feel compliant since there weren't veggies and there probably wasn't enough protein but it was all I could get down.



Lunch was better. Had last night's leftovers and felt fine. I went to the co-op to try to find some compliant bacon but all they had to offer was some pork jowels cut into bacon type strips that were $12 a pound so I didn't bother. Was very tempted by the chocolate covered nuts and fruits but hightailed it out of there.


Didn't bother with coffee today and didn't miss it. I had a 2nd cup of tea with lemon and that was fine.


My friend's birthday is tonight. She requested baked potato bar so I'm going to have a baked potato with either chili or just browned ground meat and salsa. I'll skip the ice cream cake :(

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